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More holi pooja process related news:
A Holy Art Procession! 21 Aug 2013 | 01:00 pm
photos: Just! While being on holiday at the most beautiful tropical beaches probably doesn’t make you miss the cement and polution of the big city at all, Berlin still manages to make you regret ever...
orthodoxbrit: A procession of Armenian priests. I really love… 8 Apr 2012 | 09:10 am
orthodoxbrit: A procession of Armenian priests. I really love this picture and the image of Order but holiness it gives. The on problem I have is that whenever I look at it I want to hum the Imperial...
Holy Thursday 21 Mar 2008 | 08:58 am
Holy Thursday at Santissima Trinita' dei Pellegrini. The Mass, the Procession, the Altar of Repose, and the Stripping of the Altar. ~~~ A heartfelt word of thanks to all our priests on this holy day...
Kamandalu Resort 21 Mar 2012 | 12:52 pm
Wedding The name Kamandalu is adopted from Sanskrit. It means “the vessel that holds the holy water.” The process of making this vessel, Kamandalu, has deep spiritual meaning: an individual must brea...
RESIDENCE PERMIT PROCESS 30 Dec 2008 | 09:11 pm
HEY GUYS, I just created a new topic here where we can continue discussing the residence permit issues. The ''Questions from trainees'' topic started by Emily is already too long with 3 pages. Pooja...
Cheap .CA Domains 18 Mar 2009 | 04:15 am
Recently I went on a spree buying .CA domains…for $12/each. The fist .CA domain I bought was $40. HOLY! It made the buying process easy so I didn’t complain. I figured they were expensive! Turns out...
Reluctant Renovator 11 Jul 2011 | 08:42 am
Reluctant Renovator This logo was just SO fun to design, as was the blog! Kim is renovating her house, and is blogging the process. (Holy I would never take on that project Batman!) I worked referenc...
Pooja Basu spicy Holi celebrations 9 Mar 2012 | 11:30 am
Model cum actress Pooja Basu spicy Holi celebrations photo shoot
Settimana Santa, Holy Week 2008 18 Mar 2008 | 02:22 pm
Domenica delle Palme/Palm Sunday, March 16: Messa Solenne con la Benedizione delle Palme e Processione; Solemn High Mass with the Blessing of Palms and Procession. Alle ore 9:00 a San Gregorio dei Mur...
Kaveri River Water Sharing : What Are The Solutions? 5 Oct 2012 | 08:03 pm
Kaveri or Cauvery river is one of the 7 holiest rivers for Hindus. In many Dharmic poojas, the water filled into the kalasha or holy vessel, is adored with a chant. "Gange cha Yamune chaiva, Godavari ...