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AMAZING HOLY LAND TOUR , JANUARY 2013 EGYPT, ISRAEL JORDAN ( 10 Days ) 1 Oct 2012 | 12:35 pm
INCLUDING : Wailling Wall, Berlayar di Danau Galilea, Pyramids, Sphinx (7 Wonders) and many others MAZMUR 122 : 1-4 ”Mari kita pergi ke rumah TUHAN.“ Sekarang kaki kami berdiri di pintu gerbangmu...
Holy Land Tours – Approach to Spiritual Journeys 16 Aug 2013 | 04:51 pm
Once a lifetime, every Catholic person would like to go to the shrine or sacred place. Holy land pilgrimages have become popular among pilgrims spread all across the world. These take that you the mos...
The Ninth Crusade 16 May 2010 | 11:25 am
The Ninth Crusade, which is some of the times sorted with the 8th Crusade, is generally regarded to be the final major medieval Crusade to the Holy Land. It came about in 1271–1272. Louis IX of Franc...
Eighth Crusade (1267-1272) 6 May 2010 | 02:11 am
The close major crusade aspired at the Holy Land, and an failure that well represents the end of the crusades. In the previous twenty years, the continuing crusader states had get progressively powerl...
Latter-Day Saints (LDS) Religious Holy Land & Book of Mormon Vacations Tours Family Reunions and Cruises Buying Guide & Review 27 Apr 2012 | 05:24 am
There area a variety of Religious Tours, Cruises, Vacations and Trips that Latter-Day Saints and their families can take that are focused from sites of the Book of Mormon and its historical sites, the...
Travel Dating Best Dating Ever 28 Mar 2012 | 07:48 am
I am about to give myself the vacation of my dreams. I had always wanted to go for a trip to the Holy Land and I wasn’t able to have one because all sorts of hindrances came up and prevented me from g...
The Importance of Jerusalem to Christianity 10 Nov 2011 | 10:26 pm
Israel is called The Holy Land for a good reason. It is filled with ancient sites that are mentioned in nearly all the old books of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Nowhere on earth holds such an impo...
History Channel Banned From The Bible 30 May 2012 | 07:24 pm
ravel back to the blistering sands of the Holy Land, into the onion-domed chapels of Eastern Orthodox churches and onto the pages of the Koran. Unearth the trail of chapters that were left out of the ...
I am interested in an Alaska cruise for the next season. What is the best time to go & what cruise is best? 24 Sep 2011 | 06:10 pm
There will be about 7 relatives going. I know there are a lot of options out in that. I am interested within a sea/land tour too. I want opinions on what is the ideal Alaska cruise to go on and when. ...
History Channel Banned From The Bible 30 May 2012 | 07:24 pm
ravel back to the blistering sands of the Holy Land, into the onion-domed chapels of Eastern Orthodox churches and onto the pages of the Koran. Unearth the trail of chapters that were left out of the ...