Most home front related news are at:

أشياء رهيبة ومنوّعة من معرض جيمزكوم 2013 27 Aug 2013 | 12:04 pm
شفنا أشياء كثيرة رهيبة في معرض جيمزكوم حبينا نشارككم فيها بمناسبة نهاية التغطية! The post أشياء رهيبة ومنوّعة من معرض جيمزكوم 2013 appeared first on Saudi Gamer - سعودي جيمر.
تجربتنا للعبة Skylanders: Swap Force، لعبة الدمى الرهيبة – جيمزكوم 2013 27 Aug 2013 | 02:36 am
جربنا اليوم لعبة من نوع غريب، لعبة يجي معها دمى (figures) تستخدمها في اللعبة. كانت تجربة فريدة من نوعها، وبنتكلم ونشرح كل شي شفناه بالتفصيل. أول شي أحب أقوله، وقبل لا ندخل في اللعبة، اني ما أعرف أي ش...
More home front related news:
Frustrations on the Home Front 9 Apr 2011 | 03:36 pm
Since the last big bit of crap I got for my sarcasm and anxt, I have been pretty much keeping my opinion and complaints about life to myself… Sometimes, venting (even if it’s just to blow off steam a...
goodbye. for now. 29 Feb 2012 | 05:57 pm
i have been thinking for this for a while now. and finally I’m ready to face the truth. i need more time in a day! so with so much happening on the home front, and work getting busier, i guess it’s ti...
On a personal note... 14 Feb 2008 | 06:46 am
The site is on a bit of a hiatus at present. Lots happening on the home front. - My daughter was born (January 31st, 3 weeks early, she's healthy and happy) and is taking up a lot of time (as one wou...
On The Home Front [Flickr] 27 May 2012 | 01:00 am
Pedro-Da-Silva posted a photo: Taken with picplz.
Project 52 – week 20 23 May 2012 | 05:18 pm
And yet another week has flown past and week 20 is already down and dusted bar my typically late scramble to post. I’m still hanging in there however – just flat out as per usual. The home front over...
Home-front - новый сайт коалиции! 18 Feb 2011 | 11:08 am
Рады представить вам новое детище нашей коалиции фан-сайтов - Мы очень старались, чтобы, как и все наши предыдущие проекты, новый сайт получился красивым, стильным, удобным и, что самое... sagt 'Danke'! 13 Sep 2011 | 12:40 am
Seit Monaten keine Nachrichten auf, keine Community-Events, keine heiß diskutierten Themen im Forum - aber noch immer gibt es viele Spieler, die auf unserem Portal vorbeischauen. Wir möc...
An Unwanted Visitor 8 Sep 2011 | 11:31 am
Update on the home front: Mark has a new job! He joined Kobo, a Toronto-based eBook retailer. They make eReader devices, including the best touch eReader on the market, which is highly rated by Consum...
Operation Home Front 30 Oct 2008 | 01:32 am
Jon never served in the military, yet for 4 years he has volunteered thousands of hours to support our troops (over 20,000 care packages) organizing Freedom Walks to remember 9/11 and our troops, and ...
Long, Long Ago . . . . . 28 Jan 2012 | 12:05 pm
. . . I posted on a regular basis. I hope I'll return to posting at least once a week. There's just never much to write about. Well, nothing exciting, that is. News from the home front: The grand...