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Виртуально-реальное дЫрпенское чаепитие! 18 Feb 2011 | 11:46 pm
Давным давно известно древнейшее свойство Homo sapiens объединятся вокруг распития напитков. Буквально совсем недавно была найдена дубовая бочка с выжженой надписью на древнеславянском языке: «Ты меня...
The best way to deposit online casino 20 Oct 2008 | 08:34 am
As the streak of gambling has been there in the element of human psyche from the very first day the Homo sapiens walked on this earth, the advent of online casinos has given it a new dimension. But to... 13 Nov 2009 | 06:27 am
Homo Sapiens Sapiens Sabiduría: grado más alto del conocimiento. (Real Diccionario de la Lengua Española)
Entspannung bei einem Erotikdate in Hamburg entdecken 19 Mar 2012 | 11:51 pm
Sex gehört zu den Dingen, bei denen sich der Homo sapiens am besten relaxen kann. Deshalb möchte auch kein Mensch darauf verzichten, egal ob er als Alleinstehender oder in einer festen Beziehung durch...
Cientificos postulan a Hominido extinto que superaria la inteligencia de Homo-Sapiens… Grises??? destruidos en el pasado por los Atlantes? o por los D... 22 Nov 2010 | 03:02 pm
Hace tiempo deje inconcluso este post asi que decidi terminarlo… Los cientificos postularon un hominido que se encontro en el continente africano el cual tiene el cerebro mas grande que el ser humano...
Du protoplasme a l'homo sapiens 14 Dec 2007 | 12:33 pm
La forme du visage, comme toute forme vivante, est malléable. Si nous remontons dans le temps, nous nous apercevons qu'à l'origine, il y a une masse gélatineuse (protoplasme) flottant à la surface des...
I S T O R I A M E T A L U R G I E I F I E R U L U I - antichitatea 9 Nov 2010 | 09:54 pm
ISTORIA METALURGIEI ANTICE De-a lungul multimilenarei sale existenţe, homo sapiens a fost confruntat cu două pasiuni aparent contradictorii : pe de o parte o inepuiza-bilă dorinţă de noutate, de inve...
Bagaimana Manusia Modern Memenangi Persaingan Antara Hominid 27 Feb 2012 | 06:10 am
Bagaimana spesies kita --homo sapiens, bisa menjadi kelompok yang berkuasa di bumi ini? Rick Potts berpendapat bahwa ketidakstabilan lingkungan dan gangguan lainnya menjadi faktor penentu dalam keberh...
The Homo Sapiens Diet: Parts 1 and 2 27 Feb 2012 | 08:16 am
Who are we? It's an old question, often a metaphysical question, but, at this moment, I'm concerned with who we are physically. Maybe the question seemed too absurd to ask for classical philosophers l... 1 May 2010 | 03:44 am
these are the 4 beloved homo sapiens called friends. ;) and to Karen, thank you love. This is Youngbae by the way. A baby elephant given by her ;) thank you for the company thank you for the wall p...