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IndyCarin uusi huippujännittävä kausi 20 Mar 2009 | 12:15 am
Kuluneet kaudet ovat tarjonneet loistavaa viihdettä ja kamppailua mestaruudesta aina viimeiseen kisaan asti. Viime vuonna Scott Dixonista tuli mestari toistamiseen ja hän kuuluu ehdottomasti suosikkei...
Statement by Takeo Fukui, President and CEO, Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 10 Dec 2008 | 01:44 am
December 5, 2008 We, Honda Motor Co., Ltd., have come to the conclusion that we will withdraw from all Formula One activities, making 2008 the last season of participation.
More honda uusi civic related news:
Honda Civic Used Cars 3 May 2011 | 05:42 pm
The Honda Civic is a line of subcompact and subsequently compact cars made and manufactured by Honda. The Civic, along with the Accord and Prelude, comprised Honda's vehicles sold in North America unt...
Wajah Baru New Honda Civic 22 May 2012 | 02:35 pm
F: Honda New Civic (inautonews) BANGKOK – Pabrikan mobil asal Jepang, Honda, langsung bangkit dari keterpurukan usai dihantam beragam masalah pada 2011 lalu. Kini Honda resmi meluncurkan varian sedan...
world latest cars information 21 May 2012 | 12:03 am
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Wings West Honda Civic 3 Jan 2007 | 04:57 am
Brand: Wings West Honda Model: Civic Version: 1.6 Vti Registration: 1994/01 Price: sold More about this car
HONDA NEW CIVIC 18 Jan 2011 | 08:51 pm
Honda New Civic, kini hadir dengan semangat dan tampilan dan inovasi baru, dengan ekterior yang semakin stylish dan sporty dengan kenyamanan kabin luas untuk sebuah kemewahan yang exclusive dengan per...
honda civic wallpapers 30 Oct 2011 | 11:22 pm
The Honda Civic is a line of subcompact and subsequently compact cars made and manufactured by Honda. The Civic, along with the Accord and Prelude, comprised Honda's vehicles sold in North America unt...
Honda отзывает Civic и Odyssey 25 Mar 2011 | 11:40 pm
В обоих случаях речь идет о практически новых автомобилях 2011 модельного года. В Odyssey – проблема с "дворником", а у Civic – с защитным клапаном, предотвращающим вытеканию топлива из бензобака при...
Company Ramps up Production of 2013 Altima for Export 13 Jun 2012 | 09:19 pm
The year 2011 was perhaps the best year for Toyota as it was the best-selling carmaker in America, thanks to Camry. This year, the sales numbers lagged Honda Accord, Civic, and Toyota Corolla; it’s, ...
Honda 2012 Civic EX | 4 door Sedan 25 Jul 2012 | 02:54 am
Mileage: Delivery Mileage Colour: Polished Metal Metallic Engine: 1.8 Litre Inline-4 | 140hp SOLD Stock Number: 3855 [Show as slideshow] Standard Equipment • 60/40 Split fold-down rear seatback...
Honda New Civic I VTEC 1.8 AT 2006 14 Aug 2012 | 08:42 pm
Honda New Civic I VTEC 1.8 AT 2006 Rp 195 juta Nego, plat B, Jakarta-Timur