Most hop city classes related news are at:

Salsa Tonight! 3 Feb 2013 | 01:41 am
Ladies and Gentlemen, here is the long awaited schedule for our solemn proceedings this evening: 8:00-8:45: Beginner lesson 8:45-9:30: Intermediate Lesson 9:30-1:00: Dance!
Ermahgherd…a Friday Night Special 30 Jan 2013 | 03:15 am
So, it’s come to my attention that The Baltimore Ravens, our very own hometown team, are in the Superbowl this Sunday, and it just so happens that Pigtown, the greatest neighborhood in Baltimore, is t...
More hop city classes related news:
Boomerang presenta Gym Class Heroe 4 May 2012 | 07:29 pm
Boombox All Access trae a la floreciente banda de indie/hip-hop, ¡Gym Class Heroes!, el estreno este viernes 4 de mayo, a las 4:00 pm. ¿Que mejor que disfrutar el fin de semana con una banda que crea ...
2010! 16 Dec 2010 | 07:50 pm
2010! Ø I've been Extremely lazy this year Ø Hip hop dance class was fresh breeze in my life Ø Read few books Ø No life changing incident Ø Missed lot of Sunday prayer services Ø Some crazy adve...
Hip Hop Master Class Workshop 3 Nov 2011 | 07:42 am
Title: Hip Hop Master Class Workshop Location: Springfield YMCA – 701 S 4th St – Springfield IL 62793 Description: **SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12th ** Hip Hop Master Class Workshop: 10 a.m.-12p.m. FREE Gran...
Hip Hop Master Class 3 Nov 2011 | 06:56 am
Title: Hip Hop Master Class Location: Youngstown State University Campus Recreation – 1 University Plaza -Youngstown OH 44555 Description: Hip Hop Master Class: 12-1 p.m. $5 members/ $10 nonmembers ...
Hip Hop Master Class 3 Nov 2011 | 06:50 am
Title: Hip Hop Master Class Location: University of South Florida Campus Recreation REC022B, Tampa FL 33620 Description: Hip Hop Master Class: 12-1 p.m. $5 members/ $10 nonmembers Open to all: No ex...
On this week’s show: - Wilder Adkins stops by to be really... 1 Mar 2013 | 08:18 am
On this week’s show: - Wilder Adkins stops by to be really good at singing songs he wrote. - Chris Reid from Hop City swings by to share some really good and interesting beer with us. - The guys fr...
On this week’s show: - Jay from Hop City stops by to talk... 15 Mar 2013 | 06:15 am
On this week’s show: - Jay from Hop City stops by to talk beer. - Corey from shows us how to show our sports smarts. - Blake Ells and Rick Muscles visit us in the studio so that Blak...
On this week’s show: - Josh from Hop City stops by with a... 22 Mar 2013 | 06:43 am
On this week’s show: - Josh from Hop City stops by with a selection of dessert wines. - Ty Taylor from Pinches Tacos sits in for his regular co-hosting duties. - Leigh Ann Callaway from Billy’s Spo...
On this week’s show: - Spencer from Hop City stops by to... 29 Mar 2013 | 06:37 am
On this week’s show: - Spencer from Hop City stops by to dispense some delicious beer. - India Ramey swings by to talk about her newly finished record (and upcoming performances). - Brian Whitehead...
Hip Hop Master Class with Tommy Miller 23 Jul 2013 | 08:17 pm
Title: Hip Hop Master Class with Tommy Miller Location: Elite Dance Academy 9059 W. Lake Pleasant Parkway #880 Peoria, AZ 85382 Description: Hip Hop Workshop with Tommy Miller Tommy Miller is signed ...