Most hopi blue star prophecy related news are at:
– Blue Star Prophecy | Miriam Delicado: Knowing we are not alone helps us remember who we are.
Travel to Hopi Aug 2013 8 Aug 2013 | 12:13 pm
The time for another journey is here. On saturday August 10th I will be traveling to Arizona to see the Hopi. From there I will be traveling to New Mexico to pick up a special guest and bring them bac...
Messages from South Africa Indigenous: Khoi-San people 29 Jul 2013 | 02:50 am
Submission to the UNPFII, 13th Session (This was sent to me by a man whom I met in 2009 on the journey to South Africa. He has been working for his people to uplift and strengthen his people. He is a ...
More hopi blue star prophecy related news:
Egyptian Bloodbath, Californian Silver Fire and US Midwest Floods, Fukushima Fuk-up into the Pacific, more Predictions for 2013 and Predictions for 20... 11 Aug 2013 | 12:27 am
Fukushima radioactivity. PROPHECY NEWS STREAMS Ayn Rand Prophecies Obama Snowden Job Yemen Embassy Closure Baked Alaska Nostradamus Mabus PRISM Scandal Predictions Syrian Civil War Join Free Newsle...