Most hot to filet blue fish related news are at:
– Starving off the Land — Figuring out first-hand food
Trolling all the way to the Bank 20 Aug 2013 | 04:55 pm
We knew it was a long shot. Kevin and I are determined, this year, to catch a bluefin tuna. We caught one once before, two years ago, but we didn’t really catch it. Our friend Jon took us out on his ...
Gardening: The road to hell 13 Aug 2013 | 02:34 am
You know how they say a Republican is a Democrat who’s been mugged? You don’t? Well, I guess they don’t say that so much anymore. But they used to. Honest. And, in that same vein, but perhaps without ...
More hot to filet blue fish related news:
Humdinger Wins 21st Annual TART Tournament 11 Sep 2011 | 06:02 am
PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release Kona Sportfishing Turns Red Hot for the 21st Annual T. A. R. T Tournament Five Boats Catch 24 Blue Marlin during the Five-Day Fishing Tournament in Kona Hawaii...