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Financial Advice : Finance: Household Budgets 22 Mar 2012 | 06:16 pm
A household budget includes financing for food, shelter, clothing and insurance as well as discretionary items such as cable, Internet and phone lines. Calculate a household budget with tips from a yo...
Successful Blogging Without Spending a Penny 10 Mar 2012 | 01:43 pm
If you are searching for the possible means of generating income but you have short in budget, blogging is one of the best options for you. There are lots of income opportunities that you can encounte...
Cutting Down Energy Costs at Home 15 Dec 2011 | 08:13 pm
In this economy, saving money by reducing energy costs has become a priority in almost every household. Since electricity bills account for a big chunk of our household budget, there are a lot of oppo...
Quote Car Insurance Online Can Help You 27 Apr 2012 | 04:59 am
In this case we need to know when can help you get a handle on your household budget. After payment of the mortgage payments, rent and car insurance, car takes more t...
Household Budget: Saving Money in a Tough Economy 19 Feb 2012 | 10:16 am
As fuel prices surge, it is becomes more difficult to balance the household budget. Here are some new ways you may not have considered to help slash the monthly bills and tuck a little into savings, b...
The Cost of Electricity Continues To Rise 30 Aug 2011 | 04:32 pm
The cost of electricity continues to be front page news and is placing stress on household budgets. If you are feeling the heat, you are not alone. We’d like to help you identify a few key areas relat... 17 May 2012 | 04:06 pm
Sanity has been restored in our household dear blog friends, by the little prince (how I refer to him in my head) settling into a new sleep routine that doesn't start at 4:30 am and involve intense ac...
US and UK debt made simple 14 Sep 2011 | 07:41 am
I found this on a discussion forum. Remove 8 zeros from the US national figures and show it as a household budget. • Annual family income: $21,700 • Money the family spent: $38,200 • New debt on t...
Management 27 Jan 2011 | 11:22 pm
Managing a Business is Not a Mysterious Art Margaret Thatcher was not wrong when at the beginning of her tenure likened the running of the United Kingdom economy to running a household budget. In fac...
British Gas Prices Increase Hikes 18% to Energy Bills 8 Jul 2011 | 10:25 pm
British Gas is the latest of the big 6 energy companies to add woe to already stretched household budgets with an increase in prices of up to 18%. Last month it was Scottish Power but now increases i...