Most housework related news are at:

And it's mud season 11 Mar 2013 | 03:57 am
Welcome to Vermont in March. The temperatures fluctuate above and below freezing, perfect weather for the maple sap to run. Not so good for doing chores or keeping your floors clean. But at least spri...
Winter returns to Vermont 27 Jan 2013 | 07:25 pm
... after taking a year off. We got a good dose of snow in December, and now are winding up a bitter cold snap. Not a bit like last winter. I enjoyed the warm temperatures and lack of snow in...
More housework related news:
Listening to Your Parents even Now 15 Jul 2010 | 10:27 am
Have you ever had that aggravation that you go over to your aging parents apartment or house to help with the housework and get some serious “care giving” done and the senior himself seems to be bent ...
HOUSEWORK… UNEQUALLY YOURS! An Assistance Plan 19 Apr 2012 | 12:35 pm
Mom… wife… nurturer… housekeeper… income-producer… businesswoman. You’re all of these, as are most women in today’s obligatory dual-income families. There’s no doubt you’re a world-class juggler of n...
[JUC550] Rio Hamasaki - Elder Sister In Law Who Came To Help With The Housework 1 Oct 2011 | 10:52 pm
Preview: Download: JUC550.Rio.Hamasaki.-.Elder.Sister.In.Law.Who.Came.To.Help.With.The.Housework.part1.rar JUC550.Rio.Hamasaki.-.Elder.Sister.In.Law.Who.Came.To.Help.With.The.Housework.part2.rar JUC...
Clean with vinegar 29 Feb 2012 | 10:51 am
What is that natural cleanser that can be the only one that will need all the housework? Of course, vinegar. For most of us, the smell of vinegar to bring to our memory the traditional painted Easter...
House Cleaning Northern Virginia & Washington DC area 25 May 2012 | 03:42 pm
House Need Cleaning? Too busy? Too tired? Just looking for help? There are a lot of reasons the housework does not get done. Between work and the kids’ activities do you never have time to stop?...
10 Great Cleaning Habits 15 Jul 2011 | 02:06 am
10 Great Cleaning Habits! *Allocate a task to a person: Housework can be a huge job. Learn to delegate. Make chore charts for everyone in your house. Even small children can help pick up toys and oth...
I Have Measured Out My Life in Coffee Spoons 17 Oct 2011 | 07:57 am
Obviously the last entry left me tired and in need of recovery time. Or I had some really busy shifts (a self-venting spleen! not as convenient as it sounds!), lots of housework (it's a clean bathroom...
What's everyone been up to 17 May 2012 | 10:09 am
as it's been very quite on here I wonder what everyone's been up to since the Bank Holiday. I've done the norm ie the dreaded housework not that it looks like I've touched any thing I've also been t...
Declutter 11 May 2011 | 04:28 am
Hate housework? Housework becomes less of a chore when there is a place for everything and clutter is kept to a minimum. With of the biggest challenges couples and families... Read more »
Sylvanian Families Friesian Cow Twin Babies 16 Oct 2011 | 04:00 am
Friesian Cow Babies Dolly & Fennel Buttercup like it when mother is doing housework, she gives them a duster each and they follow her around the house dusting. They are shy so you will have to look a...