Most housing bubble アメリカ related news are at:

小さな幸せ維持資金づくり。 26 Aug 2013 | 10:28 pm
お金持ちだから幸せとは限らないってのは、何となく誰もが感じていますよね。貧しくても幸せな人もいれば。富も貧しさも極端だと、心配ごとになるでしょうしねえ。 一番いいのは、自然体で働き、自然体で家庭生活を送れることなのかなあ、なんて考えてます。 安全な住まい、栄養のある食事、お互いを思いやり、楽しみを共有し、家族が仲良く暮らせること。私にとっては、それが最高の状態です。 でもたまに、生活の中でイ...
動画、やってみるもんです。 16 Aug 2013 | 05:32 am
3月くらいから、趣味で作り始めた動画チャンネル。 なんと、今ではトータルで130万回再生を超えました。 やってみるもんですね。 製作に使っているのは、ほとんどオープンソースのソフトウェアと、もともと趣味で持っていた機器。投資資金、ほぼゼロです。20ドルくらいのソフトウェアを1つ買っただけ。 50作くらい作って、大ヒットは1動画だけなのですが、これのおかげで、他も徐々に引っ張られて伸びている...
More housing bubble アメリカ related news:
Personal Finance: Invest your Savings in Gold 3 Mar 2009 | 01:08 pm
Housing bubble burst followed banks going bankrupt. What next? Tax revenue collected will decline as unemployment rises further, and the US dollar will weaken further and will not have much value in t...
The Great Housing Bubble 28 Nov 2008 | 11:50 am
When IrvineRenter approached us to write a review about his book I almost said no. Although I still follow the local housing market closely I really didn’t have the time nor energy to keep up with all...
Canadian banks not immune to housing bubble: OSFI official 22 May 2012 | 05:56 pm
Andrew Mayeda May 15, 2012 bloombergnews Canada’s banks, ranked the soundest on the planet by the World Economic Forum, aren’t immune to collapses triggered by falling housing prices, according to the...
Laid-Off Revenge 22 Feb 2012 | 07:41 am
Have you been laid-off or lost your job during this rash of high unemployment? Then it is time you do something about it. High unemployment has been blamed on a bad economy, on a housing bubble burst,...
Considering a Loan Modification? Consider Bankruptcy Instead. 29 Sep 2010 | 01:56 am
The crash of the housing bubble has left many homeowners in homes that are now not worth what was paid for them. The current economic crisis and rise in unemployment are leaving many homeowners with m...
Better Air Quality In Las Vegas 27 Apr 2012 | 05:26 pm
During a commercial break, a news reporter said the air quality is much better in our valley. Well there is a simple explanation, less construction means less pollution. Yes after the housing bubble ...
The Next Housing Bubble Is When? 26 May 2011 | 05:30 pm
I have been asked on several different occasions what I think about housing and the direction it's headed. I find most real estate agents will tell you what you need to here so they can get a sale...
Swiss Government Backs SNB Cap; Cautions On Swiss Housing Bubble 8 Sep 2011 | 03:18 am
ZURICH -(Dow Jones)- The Swiss government Wednesday backed the Swiss National Bank, which Tuesday roiled currency markets by setting a cap for the Swiss franc's exchange rate against the euro, and cau...
Yet another voice on Bubble 17 Dec 2009 | 05:23 am
It seems all the contrarians who successfully called the US housing bubble and global credit bubble are somehow feeling remiss in their obligations to their readers by holding back in their perspectiv...
No Bursting Housing Bubble: BMO 1 Feb 2012 | 04:52 am
There is a soft landing in sight for the Canadian housing market, according to BMO economics.