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Google Search Tool May Provide Heads-Up on Flu Outbreaks 30 Jan 2009 | 07:46 pm
Google has matched its analysis of search queries regarding the flu against the CDC's gathering of actual flu data and claims it is faster and just about as accurate. If Google's system is indeed a re...
Google CTR (click through rate) Table – Positions 1-102 11 Jul 2012 | 02:10 am
After working with a large web marketing consultancy recently on a project, I thought I’d share the below table with the world. It is, as of date of publishing, quite an accurate indication of the per...
Would You Buy A Car From Google? You May Soon Have The Chance 26 Aug 2013 | 08:17 pm
For years, we've reported on Google's development of self-driving cars -- or more accurately, on Google's development of self-driving car technology. Until recently, many folks assumed that Google wou...
Would You Buy A Car From Google? You May Soon Have The Chance 26 Aug 2013 | 08:17 pm
For years, we've reported on Google's development of self-driving cars -- or more accurately, on Google's development of self-driving car technology. Until recently, many folks assumed that Google wou...
Would You Buy A Car From Google? You May Soon Have The Chance 26 Aug 2013 | 08:17 pm
For years, we've reported on Google's development of self-driving cars -- or more accurately, on Google's development of self-driving car technology. Until recently, many folks assumed that Google wou...
Would You Buy A Car From Google? You May Soon Have The Chance 26 Aug 2013 | 08:17 pm
For years, we've reported on Google's development of self-driving cars -- or more accurately, on Google's development of self-driving car technology. Until recently, many folks assumed that Google wou...
Would You Buy A Car From Google? You May Soon Have The Chance 26 Aug 2013 | 08:17 pm
For years, we've reported on Google's development of self-driving cars -- or more accurately, on Google's development of self-driving car technology. Until recently, many folks assumed that Google wou...
Why Google SERP CTR studies are a waste of time 21 Jun 2011 | 05:09 am
Historically, one of the most quoted, used and abused SEO metrics was ranking. It is a cornerstone of reports that are sent to clients, one of the first things we go to check for clients’ sites and u...
Google Ranking and CTR – how clicks distribute over different rankings on Google 12 Jul 2009 | 08:17 pm
When beginning a new SEO campaign, a crucial first step is the keyword research. As a part of this step, one wants not only to find a comprehensive list of keywords that could serve as a potential tar...
Google Trends Now Tracks Website Traffic 24 Jun 2008 | 05:03 pm
Google Trends now tracks website traffic, which is great news (previously, Google Trends only showed search trends). Personally, I’m glad to see this new feature, because: is not very accur...