Most how time flies related news are at:

Seven Questions I’d Like To Ask My Dog 27 Aug 2013 | 01:16 am
1. The cat threw it up. And you still ate it. Now, stop and think a minute. Don’t you think there may have been a reason why she threw it up? 2. Yes, we typically feed you after you’ve been outside. ...
I Wholeheartedly Agree. The End. 25 Aug 2013 | 06:58 am
More how time flies related news:
We're in Los Angeles 8 Aug 2009 | 12:00 pm
Well, I'm here in my last month of ministry on the World Race and of course you would expect me to say "How time flies" but I have to tell the truth it hasn't the last 5 days have seemed like weeks. I...
2009 Certified Bootcamp Reviews 28 Dec 2009 | 09:18 pm
Well, it's the end of 2009...... damn time flies..... I want to say thanks to all those that I've had a chance to work with. For all the guys I worked with, it was equally my pleasure in being able t...
How Time Flies 20 Jan 2011 | 01:49 pm
It’s been nearly a month since I updated this site. I guess I am allowed to have a break with Christmas and the New Year but enough is enough. Oh yes, I also had a trip to Kuala Lumpur in Malasysia – ...
1 month! 21 Sep 2011 | 07:41 am
We can hardly believe she's already over a month old! Time flies :) She's doing great - a whooping 14 lbs at her 1 mth appt! Yes, she is our biggest baby yet :) She is in the 99% for weight, and 92nd...
Time flies when you have fun… 17 May 2011 | 10:12 am
Nur so zu eurer Information: Das darauf folgende Wochenende war das vom 19.-20.März, wir haben also immer noch knapp 2 Monate aufzuholen, aber ich denke so ne kleine Zusammenfassung und ein paar Stell...
Wow, how time flies when your having fun! 12 Jan 2011 | 05:25 pm
I have been busy the last two days, created 6 layouts and 3 cards for several challenges and dt opportunities. I am so stoked to be scrapping after a long dry spell. A day of hookie from work did wond...
Time flies.... 17 Nov 2010 | 10:07 am
Dat de tijd vliegt, dat wist ik wel... maar dat 'ie zo snel zou gaan... ;-) Nadé is alweer 4 weekjes oud... en wat genieten we van dit heerlijk meisje zeg!! Ontzettend!! Deze foto is gemaakt door Hen...
FIRST DAY OF KINDERGARTEN & More 2 Oct 2010 | 03:01 am
Off the plane to Kindergarten? Time flies when you are having fun! I try to post major milestones, like birthdays & anniversary dates but I have been slacking. Life is good and busy. Here is a pee...
Time Flies When We Are Having Fun 8 Jul 2011 | 07:03 pm
Travel with me, if you would, back to July 7th, 2004. I was 3 months new to the Orlando, Florida area after moving from the West Coast. I only knew one person in Orlando and spent most of my time ex...
Farewell 2006, Welcome 2007! 1 Jan 2007 | 06:45 pm
Phew, I can’t believe how time flies. I almost forgot that is about to celebrate its 1st Anniversary, Yay!. Sorry for not being very productive lately. I’ve been busy struggling with wo...