Most how to install cobos cobol related news are at:

METRIXWARE announces Cobos 3.0 availability 4 Jul 2013 | 01:52 pm
Nanterre, July 2th 2013. Metrixware announces the availability of Cobos 3.0, its COBOL development workbench for Eclipse. With Cobos 3.0, Metrixware increases developer’s efficiency and mainframe int...
Release Notes Cobos 3.0 1 Jul 2013 | 05:52 pm
Release 3.0 [2013-07-01] Notice: this is the Cobos 3.0 Release. Please feel free to report us any remark via email. Improvements in this version: Local Compilation: COBOL programs can be built an...
More how to install cobos cobol related news:
Installing OpenCOBOL on OS X is a fist fight 21 Apr 2013 | 11:04 am
1 Happiness is a hot soldering iron I don’t have a mainframe to learn COBOL on, so I’ve installed OpenCOBOL on a couple of my machines. On Fedora it installed with a simple sudo yum install open-cobol...
Cobos 2.3.2 trick and tips 9 Jan 2013 | 02:45 pm
Following Cobos 2.3.2 download, some of you may have encountered issues that can easily be avoided. Due to expiration of the license, the COBOL-IT compiler is no longer available. To run the Check Syn...
COBOL: my hello world program 10 Apr 2013 | 04:54 am
After many years of mindlessly dissing COBOL (without knowing the first thing about it), I installed OpenCOBOL and wrote my first “Hello world” program. If you don’t have a clue about COBOL, but you w...
Workshop Cobos (16.04.2013) 20 Dec 2012 | 06:00 am
Les applications COBOL / Mainframe nécessitent encore (et toujours) des évolutions et doivent – de facto – coexister avec des technologies et pratiques plus modernes (J2EE, méthodes agiles, intégratio...
Workshop Cobos (28.05.2013) 17 Apr 2013 | 01:01 pm
Metrixware vous invite à venir découvrir les fonctionnalités de la dernière version de Cobos, l'environnement open source de développement COBOL / Mainframe, le 25 Avril prochain.
Faire tourner une JVM Java 32 bits sur Linux 64 bits (Ubuntu 13.04) 22 May 2013 | 12:04 pm
Dans le cadre de tests en cours pour la migration automatique vers Java des travaux batch (en Cobol) d'un client, nous devons installer l'ordonnanceur Control/M de BMC sur Linux 13.04. Le produit Con...
Workshop Cobos (24.09.2013) 24 Jun 2013 | 06:10 pm
Les applications COBOL restent (et resteront quoiqu’on en dise) les piliers des Systèmes d’Information des grandes entreprises. Ces applications nécessitent encore et toujours des évolutions et doiven...
Cobos 3.0 is coming soon ! 24 Jun 2013 | 08:29 pm
We are pleased to announce the upcoming release of Cobos 3.0 This new major version brings the building and running of COBOL programs on your workstation (which will be appreciated by the students, f...
Release Notes Cobos 3.0 1 Jul 2013 | 05:52 pm
Release 3.0 [2013-07-01] Notice: this is the Cobos 3.0 Release. Please feel free to report us any remark via email. Improvements in this version: Local Compilation: COBOL programs can be built an...
METRIXWARE announces Cobos 3.0 availability 4 Jul 2013 | 01:52 pm
Nanterre, July 2th 2013. Metrixware announces the availability of Cobos 3.0, its COBOL development workbench for Eclipse. With Cobos 3.0, Metrixware increases developer’s efficiency and mainframe int...