Most how to tank heroics paladin related news are at:

TOR - Good vs Evil, and Light vs Dark 10 Jan 2012 | 01:41 pm
Spend twenty seconds (maybe less) around anything Star Wars related, and you'll be exposed to the Force in some form or another. Good, bad, may the Force be with you - all of these things come up whe...
Gen - Direction of me and this blog 5 Jan 2012 | 09:51 am
Like many WoW players (this is based purely on the people I know), I'm currently playing TOR as my primary MMO. WoW is still there for my primary raiding needs, but I'm thouroughly enjoying a game th...
More how to tank heroics paladin related news:
Protection Warrior Tanking Heroic 10 Man Magmaw 26 May 2011 | 06:35 am
Here’s a nice post from with a Protection Warrior build and tips for dealing with Magmaw. Included are the basics, what could go wrong, what you need to do, and other useful tips. H...
Ultraxion 10Man Heroic Taktiği 9 Mar 2012 | 06:20 am
Raid Setup: 2 Tank, 2Healer [Paladin, Shaman], 6 DPS Genel Strateji: Ultraxion Heroic combatında normalindeki gibi tüm combat aynı gitmektedir. Fakat Çok önemli nokta şudur. Hour of Twilight skill’...
naxx 25: spider et plague down 6 Jan 2009 | 10:05 pm
1ere soirée tout en first pull. les autres ailes devraient suivre. nous recrutons toujours des dps distance(demo/hunter/moonkin(lol)), quelques healers et 1 tank (dk/paladin)
Paladin vs Druid 27 Feb 2010 | 08:35 am
Earlier this month, Big Bear Butt had a series of blog posts comparing Druid tanking with Paladin tanking: Tanking Test! Druid vs Paladin I Tanking Test! Druid vs Paladin II Tanking Test! Druid vs Pa...
Paladin vs Druid 27 Feb 2010 | 12:35 am
Earlier this month, Big Bear Butt had a series of blog posts comparing Druid tanking with Paladin tanking: Tanking Test! Druid vs Paladin I Tanking Test! Druid vs Paladin II Tanking Test! Druid vs Pa...
Scariest news of the day 22 Oct 2011 | 10:27 am
So today I wanted to write about how I'm making the move back to Adgamorix - my original angry bald Paladin. I've been tanking in Firelands, healed it some more, and even have a viable ret build. Sl...
Yor’sahj The Unsleeping 10Man Heroic Taktiği 9 Mar 2012 | 07:47 am
RaidSetup: 1 Tank, 2 Healer, 3 Melee DPS, 4 Ranged&Caster DPS Tank Stratejisi: Tankın bu combatta cok zorlanacağı yerler aslında yok. Fakat eğer Yor’sahj the Unsleeping Sarı Oze‘nin buff’ını alırsa ...
dranose le meilleur 21 Sep 2010 | 09:54 pm
voila, je dispose d'un paladin tank de level 80, je m'apelle jonathan et j'ai 22 ans, j'habite le loir et cher et je suis boucher dans la vie.
Protection Paladin Heirloom Gear 3 Apr 2010 | 04:19 am
There have been a few posts in the forum from people who want to level their protection paladin by tanking dungeons. The big question has been what Heirloom gear is best for this endeavor. Another q...
Holy Pally Guide: Heroic Morchok 10 Man 10 Feb 2012 | 05:15 am
A Holy Paladin Guide to 10 man Heroic Morchok that breaks down an alternative and optimized Talent and spec breakdown for defeating Heroic Morchok. This guide attempts to give you a leg up on successf...