Most how to tell hen rooster related news are at:

Chicken Joke 23 Jul 2013 | 03:38 am
Just a little chicken joke that might raise a smile :-) A chicken joke drawn as a cartoon and then animated.
Would You Live in Your Hen House? 16 Jul 2013 | 07:27 pm
This question is asked as you may have already guessed, to set you thinking. Does your hen house provide the factors of environment which you want in your home? If it does not then it is also unlikely...
More how to tell hen rooster related news:
Listing the possibilities 21 Jun 2007 | 12:00 pm
Unordered… Dog Cat Fish Chickens Hen Rooster Bird Ordered… Dog Cat Fish Chickens Hen Rooster Bird
Aku diPatuk : Attack of the stress Rooster 14 Aug 2011 | 06:02 pm
Haha...this is quite embarrassing but i find its okay to tell after all its about me... Okay, this happened 2 days ago when i was about to go for work...It was 5:40pm and i was home alone at that time...
May 22, Rooster and hen health<HR> 23 May 2012 | 07:20 am
Question Rooster and hen health: Chicken health: I have twenty roosters and 15 hens. All are healthy until 4 days ago. He is a Bluface Hatch (game
Incredible Chickens 20 Apr 2012 | 04:23 am
Want to raise chickens at your home?. With raise chickens at your home you can have the best fresh eggs. You don’t need a rooster for a hen to produce eggs. You can have meat too. Home raised chickens...
A pair of geese 11 Jul 2011 | 09:44 am
Coming up project, feathered friends. I have not tried any design like ducks, ducklings, roosters, chicks, hen, goose, or any farm animals. So far, all I stitch is bears, dogs, flowers, baby and chil...
PLUCKY 10 Mar 2012 | 12:57 pm
Farmer John strolled through the chicken coop, sizing up the hens, looking for the most plump. Nothing topped traditional fried chicken on Sunday. Randy Rooster crowed, refusing to allow another of h...
Roosters, Hens, Chickens But Not............... 14 Dec 2011 | 04:55 am
What? It's Tuesday? It's December 12th? I am SO not ready for Christmas. But at least I have some Christmas RaNDoM for you! And if you can't get enough RaNDoM, go on over to Stacy's. She's got MO...
we're expecting... 1 Oct 2011 | 03:44 pm
no, it's not another valley baby. more like 2 hens (formerly tree chickens) sitting on somewhere in the neighborhood of 16 eggs. this is our first go-round of hatching, since our roosters (lucky duck ...
3 Steps to Stopping a Broody Hen 29 Jul 2011 | 04:35 am
If you’re experiencing a decline in egg production among some of your hens, heat may be one explanation, but broodiness may be another. Unless you have a rooster in your flock to fertilize your hen’s ...
My friend and fellow blogger Carla at My Half Dozen daily recently posted asking her readers to help her raise enough money to buy a goat, 2 hens, & a rooster for World Vision Canada!!! She was hopi...