Most hoya flower available in india related news are at:
– The Beauty of Orchids and Flowers
Macradenia multiflora (Kraenzl.) Cogn. 1904 28 Jun 2013 | 05:04 am
The multi-flowered Macradenia, Macradenia multiflora (Kraenzl.) Cogn. 1904 is an epiphytic growing, middle-sized orchid species, native to Brazil. The pendulous inflorescences, densely packed with mul...
Pink Banana (Musa velutina) 27 Jun 2013 | 03:45 am
Musa velutina H. Wendl. & Drude 1875, commonly called Pink Banana or Velvet Pink Banana, is a dwarf-type banana plant, native to North-East India. Pink Banana plants reach highs up to about 1,50 meter...
More hoya flower available in india related news:
Hoya bella Wax Flower 12 Jun 2013 | 07:57 am
Hoya bella Hook. 1848 is a tropical wax flower or porcelain flower plant, native to India, Myanmar (formerly Burma) and Thailand. The tropical beauty has been discovered near Moulmein (nowadays: Mawla...