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Cinco ejemplos de éxito de Crowdfunding 27 Aug 2013 | 02:45 pm
El crowdfunding o financiación colectiva de proyectos ha sido sin duda el fenómeno del año en Internet. El éxito de sitios como Kickstarter o IndieGoGo ha hecho que sean miles los proyectos de todo ti...
Toshiba Satellite L50T, vídeo análisis Videorama 26 Aug 2013 | 04:17 pm
En el clipset lab ya nos vamos preparando para la ‘vuelta al cole’ (o al trabajo o simplemente a casa) tras ls vacaciones. En esta ocasión nos hemos agenciado dos portatiles de Toshiba, los Satellite ...
More hp slate 500 tablet pc related news:
HP Slate 500 tablet PC or Apple iPad? 17 Dec 2010 | 05:23 pm
HP Slate 500 PC Apple iPad Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 and PalmPre WebOS iOS 3.2.1 Display 8.9-inch WSVGA 1024x600 resolution 9.7-inch 1024x768 resolution Processor 1.6GHz Intel Atom...
New PalmPad tablet looks like a fake replica of the HP Slate 500 (CES 2011) 27 Dec 2010 | 12:56 pm
HP looks set to unveil a new tablet PC in the shape of the PalmPad at the up-coming Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, but sneak previews suggest it is almost indistinguishable from the HP Slate ...
Cisco Cius & HP Slate 500 to aid 14% increase in corporate/business tablet PC market 18 Dec 2010 | 04:42 pm
Consumers are flocking to tablets like the iPad, but Cisco Cius & HP slate 500 will bring an “explosion” of business users in 2011. Data from the research organisation ChangeWave suggest that tablet ...
Så kommer HP Slate 500 alligevel 23 Oct 2010 | 10:08 am
Lige efter at iPad blev lanceret i januar præsenterede Microsofts Steve Balmer tablet-pc’en HP Slate. Sidenhen anooncerede HP, at man alligevel ikke ville komme med en HP Slate. Der var en overgang og...
Evolutionary Tablet from HP Slate 500 11 Aug 2011 | 04:12 pm
The Windows 7 HP Slate 500, will be the first true business tablet to ship, considering the Android-powered Cisco Cius and the Avaya Desktop Video Device are video conferencing devices and the BlackBe...
Nueva HP Slate 500 una tablet PC completa 24 Oct 2010 | 12:57 pm
HP Slate 500 HP ya ha decidido sacar a su hijo esperado al mercado, se trata del HP Slate 500, esta potente tableta no tiene nada que envidiar al ipad y demás tablet pc del mercado, ya que tiene bue...
Google, HP, Nokia to Make Slate/Tablet PC's a la iPad 14 Apr 2010 | 08:01 am
Don't think you can afford the newest Apple object of desire? Don't worry, there's plenty of competitors working on sexy, new age electronic book/magazine delivery systems. The New York Times reports ...
Doch ein HP Slate mit Windows 7 25 Jul 2010 | 10:19 pm
Der Tablet-PC von Hewlett-Packard (HP), genannt HP Slate soll sich nun nicht mehr an Privatanwender sondern an Businessanwender wenden. Wie Todd Bradley, Vice President der Personal Systems Group von...
HP | Free Laptop – Free HP Slate 3 Feb 2011 | 05:55 pm
Free HP Slate At last, HP has released the long awaited 8.9-inch tablet PC. HP promises that the display of this product will be at par with the quality of the iPad’s IPS display, which is very amazi...
HP's Slate 21 Combines Android Tablet and Desktop 25 Jun 2013 | 04:56 am
HP unveiled in Beijing the 21.5-inch HP Slate 21 AIO desktop PC, which runs on Android rather than a conventional desktop software. The Slate 21 is one of the first devices to sport Nvidia's quad-core...