Most htaccess gzip performance related news are at:

Google ajoute une nouvelle balise pour les sites multilingues 6 Dec 2011 | 11:31 pm
Google vient d’annoncer des nouvelles balises visant à signaler au moteur de recherche un certain nombre d’informations géographique au sujet d’un site web. Ces balises pourront servir à plusieurs ty...
Wampserver 2 : Changer le répertoire WWW 15 Aug 2011 | 08:59 am
Vous en avez marre d’aller chercher votre répertoire www de Wampserver, nous allons voir comment changer ce fameux répertoire C:\wamp\www en D:\www par exemple. Car c’est vrai que niveau manipulation ...
More htaccess gzip performance related news:
WordPress auf Nginx: Performance und Sicherheit optimieren 23 Feb 2012 | 10:50 am
Im letzten Teil der Serie “WordPress auf Nginx” beschreibt das heutige Tutorial die Perfektionierung der Ausgabe an den Browser: Angefangen mit der Gzip-Komprimierung der Daten bis hin zu bevorzugten ...
Compresser vos pages avec Gzip 30 Mar 2010 | 10:40 pm
Premier article d'une longue série de tutoriels qui vous permettront d'améliorer les performances de vos pages web. Nous commençons aujourd'hui par activer la compression Gzip dans PHP, Apache ou IIS.
GZip files with .htaccess and PHP 10 Mar 2012 | 08:09 pm
From “The Definitive Post on GZipping your CSS” CSS files for larger sites can become pretty large themselves. Gzipping or compressing these files has shown to provide a reduction in the neighborhood...
Ultimate GZIP Compression Using .htaccess 11 Aug 2011 | 05:28 pm
Looking for ways to speed up web page loading using GZIP compression technique on .htaccess? Mod_deflate or mod_gzip can be used to serve compressed JS or CSS file to destination browser. Alternativel...
How to disable gzip output on lightspeed server accounts 25 Feb 2010 | 07:48 pm
You can use .htaccess to disable gzip output if your website is running under a lightspeed server. Open .htacess file and append following lines. php_flag zlib.output_compression Off RewriteEngine On ...
Move .htaccess content to Apache config 16 Jun 2009 | 01:10 am
Having an .htaccess file is a pain regarding performances. Apache needs to read it on every single request (the page, every image, CSS files, JS files, etc.). It is strongly recommended to move rules...
The Right Way to Optimize Apache’s .htaccess Files 1 Jul 2010 | 11:47 am
While researching Magento performance optimizations you have probably already read about how to optimize Apache’s configuration by moving your configuration directives into the configuration files and...
Cache PHP to gzipped static html pages using htaccess redirect 10 Oct 2011 | 09:52 am
No matter the server performance, the fastest kind of website for a visitor is the one with static HTML pages; this way the server just has to upload existing data to the browser instead of starting t...
Optimizando el rendimiento Magento Improving Magento performance 5 Apr 2012 | 04:01 am
Habilitar la compresión gzip de los archivos Activar el módulo mod_expires de Apache y configurarlo Optimizar la configuración MySQL Habilitar la caché MySQL Guardar las sesiones en base de datos ...
htaccess tricks and tips 3 Dec 2010 | 03:11 am
17 Useful .htaccess Tricks and Tips 16 Useful .htaccess Tricks and Hacks For Web Developers Add Gzip compression using .htaccess Blocking users/ sites by referrer Script php - evitare il caricamento d...