Most htc desire gingerbread update related news are at:

Microsoft ondersteunt Windows Phone 7 en 8 tot 2014 18 Mar 2013 | 12:34 am
V olgens de website van het bedrijf ondersteunt Microsoft Windows Phone 7 & 8 beiden tot 2014. Windows Phone 7.X zal beveiligingsupdates ontvangen tot 9 september 2014. Windows Phone 8 stopt met het o...
Pocketinfo-review HTC Windows Phone 8X: opvallend bescheiden 12 Mar 2013 | 03:00 pm
Stiekem hoopten we dat tijdens het Mobile World Congress 2013 er weer nieuwe vlaggenschipmodellen met Windows Phone gelanceerd zouden worden. Helaas is dit niet het geval geweest, waardoor de HTC Wind...
More htc desire gingerbread update related news:
Virtuous Doubleshot v1.1.3 for Android 12 Jan 2012 | 07:10 am
eViL_D has released an update to Virtuous Doubleshot v1.1.3. The latest version is now 1.1.3. This release is supported on the following Device(s): - HTC Desire Z - HTC myTouch 4G (Glacier): T-Mobi...
Actually….Gingerbread IS Coming to the HTC Desire! 16 Jun 2011 | 06:59 am
Yesterday I posted up an article on HTC’s statement saying that the HTC Desire will not be receiving an upgrade to Gingerbread. However, earlier today they changed their minds and have created a new ...
No Gingerbread For The HTC Desire :( 15 Jun 2011 | 06:53 am
Bad news for all folks that have been eagerly waiting for news of the Gingerbread (2.3) update for the HTC Desire. Unfortunately HTC announced earlier today on their UK Facebook page that the HTC Des...
This Week On Twitter #3 18 Dec 2010 | 08:45 am
Gingerbread Hits AOSP Gingerbread is the latest version of Android (version 2.3). It’s currently unknown whether or not the HTC Desire will be getting it. However, the good news is that the source ...
FAQS: Your HTC Desire Questions Answered #5 2 Nov 2010 | 08:35 am
Here’s another dose of FAQs based on recent emails to MyHTCDesire: [When] will the Desire be getting Gingerbread? There’s been no confirmation yet so we really don’t know. Gingerbread should be rel...
HTC Phone Price List 30 Aug 2011 | 08:26 pm
Updated:Slot Nigeria HTC Phone Price List HTC SENSATION 100,000 HTC CHACHA 55,000 HTC WILDFIRE 50,000 HTC TOUCH HD2 82,000 HTC HD 7 70,000 HTC TOUCH DESIRE 75,000 HTC DESIRE HD 90,000 H...
[Android News] The DROID Incredible will NOT be getting Gingerbread adjoining all 12 Aug 2011 | 06:06 am
Back pressure April HTC announced that the DROID Incredible would actualize the Gingerbread update by primary summer, but perceptible looks like that plan has been scrapped. significance an email conv...
Sebu 29 Jan 2012 | 04:23 am
Lately ni tak tahu kenapa malas nak update cerita. Tekanan atau dek sakit yang bersarang.Tepu. Lokasi: Atas katil sambil berguling-guling manja pelok Mr.Bubu Jr. Source: Blogaway Apps HTC Desire HD
Fix: That Account Has Already Been Added Error on Android HTC Desire HD 24 Dec 2011 | 03:42 am
After updating my HTC Desire HD to HTC Sense 3.0 I can't login anymore to Twitter app 2.1.2 with error message "That account has already been added". I tried to update the Twitter app to version 3.0.0...
Android 2.3 kommt also doch auf das HTC Desire 16 Jun 2011 | 01:40 am
Hat zwar nicht direkt etwas mit ROMs zu tun, aber dennoch sehr amüsant. HTC hat sich gestern bei sehr vielen Menschen unbeliebt gemacht, indem sie verkündeten, dass Gingerbread nicht auf das wohl beli...