Most htc magic touch test related news are at:

Logitech bringt Surface-ähnliche Touch Cover für das iPad heraus 29 Apr 2013 | 03:36 pm
Logitech hat vor kurzem ein paar neue wirklich erstaunliche Tastaturen für das iPad vorgestellt. Mit den Logitech FabricSkin Keyboards versucht das Unternehmen jetzt die Touch Cover des Microsoft Surf...
Ausprobiert: Das Microsoft Surface Pro 11 Apr 2013 | 05:45 pm
Das Hybrid-Gerät Microsoft Surface Pro ist derzeit eines der am heißesten erwarteten Releases im Bereich des Tablet- und PC Marktes. Noch ist das Gerät nur in den USA zu haben, wo die Rezensionen eher...
More htc magic touch test related news:
HTC Magic Mobile Photo Gaalery 28 Nov 2012 | 07:40 pm
The HTC Magic is a my touch 3G T-Mobile witch is released in May 2009, by HTC. This T-Mobile has such good features and specs, that we have already discussed in our previous post, HTC Magic Specific...
Features of the Acer beTouch E100 astound 26 Aug 2013 | 06:44 pm
The HTC Magic Phone is the latest candidate of the touch screen smart phone of HTC. The HTC Magic is a cute flashy phone. The HTC Magic smart phone covered in a cool white plastic case. The phone feat...
新入手HTC Magic(G2) 26 Sep 2009 | 04:02 am
最近入手了HTC Magic,替下了用了半年的HTC Touch Diamond。 HTC Magic采用的是Google Android系统,当下最热的手机操作系统,整个系统的最大特色是和Google的云计算紧密结合;联系人可以和Gmail同步,日历可以和Calender同步,内置Gmail,完善的电子邮件支持,Google Talk,Google Voice等等,基本上Google能提供的服...
HTC Flyer P512 Tablet w/ Magic Pen D500 27 Jul 2011 | 05:02 am
The HTC Flyer tablet having a magic pen to enhance your experience on the broad 7 inch tablet device. This magic pen is a part of the new HTC Scribe technology that converts all of the touch controls ...
Windows Mobile 6.5 No VoIP 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
I’ve been testing a Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM on my HTC Touch Pro for about 3 weeks now. So far, it seems much faster and considerably more stable. It could be that I’m using a stripped down ROM withou...
NAND for HTC Touch Diamond. NEED MORE TESTERS!!! 11 Aug 2013 | 11:19 am
WE ALREADY HAVE NAND!!! PLEASE, TEST IT AND WRITE THE RESULTS!!! THANK YOU. We need testers for diamond devices. If anybody hae this device, please help us, and you will get working android nand on o...