Most html5 browsers related news are at:

A Quality Responsive HTML 5 WordPress Theme 8 Jun 2012 | 06:52 pm
WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems around. In a series of posts over the next few months I’m going to feature a selection of what I believe are the cream of wordpress them...
How HTML5 Aids Mobile Financial App Development 29 Mar 2012 | 06:59 am
HTML5 Series- Part 2: How HTML5 Aids Mobile Financial App Development This is our second post in the HTML5 series. There are number of new tags in HTML5 that aid in the development of mobile financia...
More html5 browsers related news:
CCleaner v3.06 – HTML5 Support, Free Download 14 May 2011 | 12:39 pm
CCleaner v3.06: HTML5 Support — Are you ready for HTML5 technology? Do not let CCleaner ahead of you! *LOL* With HTML5 browser technologies improving every month, the development team of piriform are ...
rel=canonical as a browser feature 23 Aug 2012 | 08:08 am
I informally propose that rel=canonical become a tag that not only search engines respect, but also browsers. For a little while now HTML5 browsers seem to have a feature where javascript can modify ...
Firefox 4 – Organize your tabs with Tab Groups 26 Mar 2011 | 09:14 am
Using tabs in browser has become the norm. They are very convenient and easy to use, but if you are a ‘power browser’, you could end up with so...
Browser Hack to edit a Webpage 10 Oct 2011 | 09:26 pm
If you really want to impress someone with your hacking skills then this trick will surely help you.Well this is actually not any hacking just a simple javacript trick but the other person will surely...
Google Drops Support for Firefox Toolbar 19 Aug 2011 | 07:56 am
Google has announced that it will no longer support its toolbar for Firefox, stating the features no standard in the browser are supplanting the need for the tool. The Google Toolbar for Firefox has ...
Web Professional Tools - Recommended Firefox Add-ons 21 Mar 2010 | 12:53 am
Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years, or you are totally new to web design, you are probably aware that Mozilla Firefox is the web browser of choice for most web professiona...
Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) Must Die 6 Aug 2008 | 11:23 am
Sorry people, but the time has come where I tell you the worst kept secret on the web: Internet Explorer 6 is evil - pure and simple. There I've said it. By continuing to use this browser years aft...
5 أدوات مفيدة لمطور الويب 1 Nov 2010 | 06:49 pm
Javascript unpacker and beautifier لترتيب وتنظيم أكواد JS PHP CSS Browser Selector ملف صغير الحجم لكتابة Fixes لمجموعة من المتصفحات، خصوصا IE browsers resizeMyBrowser لتجربة قياسات مختلفة للشاشة، أد...
6 أدوات لا يمكنني العيش بدونها 23 Oct 2010 | 11:58 pm
1. PHP Designer محرر PHP, CSS, XHTML, MySQL, JS البرنامج يوفر خصائص أكثر مما احتاج فعليا، جربت PHPStrom وكان رائعا وبخصائص جديدة، (أنصح بتجربته). حاليا ابحث عن محرر يدعم CSS3 و HTML5، سمعت أن PHPDesi...
Tooltip using CSS3 – HTML5 iPhone Website Part 3 8 Apr 2012 | 04:30 am
This post is part of series HTML5 iPhone Website How can we make a tool tip bubble using CSS3. A tool tip is a box and an arrow at the edge pointing something. We can create this using two divs or o...