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Animierter Trickfilm von OREO 27 Aug 2013 | 04:47 pm

Anlässlich des 100. Geburtstag hat OREO einen animierten Trickfilm herausgebracht. Verantwortlich zeichnete Martin Agency. Ein harmonische Werbekampagne mit niedlichen Illstrationen und einem Song der...

Modernes Webdesign – Prinzipien, Webstandards, Praxis 27 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm

Manuela Hoffmann hat ihr bewährtes Praxisbuch für die 3. Auflage komplett überarbeitet und aktualisiert: Sie zeigt, was mit HTML5 und CSS3 möglich ist, präsentiert viele neue Beispiele und gibt Anleit...

More html5 logo related news:

HTML5 logo: W3C takes a step in the right direction 29 Jan 2011 | 09:32 am

After receiving a wave of negative feedback concerning the HTML5 logo, the W3C have made steps towards righting things. If you read the HTML5 logo FAQ, you’ll see that they’ve made some significant ch...

HTML5 logo: W3C takes a step in the right direction 29 Jan 2011 | 09:32 am

After receiving a wave of negative feedback concerning the HTML5 logo, the W3C have made steps towards righting things. If you read the HTML5 logo FAQ, you’ll see that they’ve made some significant ch...

HTML5 logo: be proud, but don’t muddy the waters! 19 Jan 2011 | 09:50 am

Today brings to us the news that the W3C have unveiled a logo for HTML5. Does an open technology need a logo? Perhaps not, but many see it as a good idea, including myself. I think it is a great idea ...

HTML5 Logo 16 Feb 2011 | 01:29 am

Das W3C hat ein Logo für HTML5 veröffentlicht. Dies soll dazu dienen Webseiten zu kennzeichnen, die bereits jetzt Techniken des HTML5 Standards benutzen. Weiterlesen

Ovace a kritiky loga HTML5: 3 dny po té 21 Jan 2011 | 11:11 pm

Dnes je to třetí den od vydání loga HTML5. Logo tu není samo pro sebe, ale pro lidi, kteří ho budou používat. Jak bylo během prvních dnů od zveřejnění přijato? Grafická podoba byla přivítána poměrně ...

HTML is the new HTML5? 25 Jan 2011 | 11:55 pm

Just one day after the W3C introduces their spiffy but rather confusing HTML5 logo and accompanying visual identity, the WHATWG announces on their blog that “HTML is the new HTML5” and that the HTML s...

HTML5 Logo: Fu or Fail? 20 Jan 2011 | 04:38 am

The W3C—they pretty much define web technologies—has a shiny new logo for all the new HTML5/CSS3 hotness. That's good right? Not too many in the know think so.

Smack versus Facts 1 Feb 2011 | 08:42 pm

Offered without comment. Post about HTML5 logo and overblown “controversy” surrounding it: 1,078 hits on the first day. Post about details on W3C touch events spec, including a roadmap and future p...

HTML5 Logorrhea, or Use Your Inside Voice 25 Jan 2011 | 09:53 pm

I was involved in rolling out the new HTML5 logo for W3C; I wasn’t the person in charge, but I helped out with some aspects of it. The interesting thing to me was the reaction to the logo, aesthetics...

HTML5 logo: W3C takes a step in the right direction 29 Jan 2011 | 09:32 am

After receiving a wave of negative feedback concerning the HTML5 logo, the W3C have made steps towards righting things. If you read the HTML5 logo FAQ, you’ll see that they’ve made some significant ch...

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