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Guild Goals : 7 Dec 2008 | 01:15 pm
Posted 12/06/2008 05:15 PM by JAG. 1- We are looking for fun at first . 2- Friendly members . 3- Skilled PvPers . 4- Awesome raids . 5- Become the best PvP And PvE guild on Magic WoW server .
Much Larger Army 14 Nov 2007 | 07:34 am
I just read that Fred Thompson is proposing increasing the size of the Army to 775,000 people. Here is where I read the story: Wow! I believe this ...
RealLiveServer 21 Jun 2009 | 08:33 am
Nový wow server na patchy 3.1.3. Je zde dobrý AdminTeam, který se o vás postará. Pořádámé různé eventy pro vaši zábavu. Při jakémkoli problému rádi pomůžeme, proto neváhejte a přijďte http://reall...
Megalopolis new free server 29 Mar 2009 | 11:53 am
Nove spusteny wow server jede na mangosu patch 1.12.1 acc si udelejte na jinak setrealmilist linka 1gbps odezva po CR do 50ms vse najdete na webu v sekci...
Deport WoW Server 13 Aug 2008 | 11:01 am
Ahoj Lidi,doufám že nevadí že píšu sem tady ten příspěvek.pokud si chcete zahrát na prima serveru jak na Blizzlike a nebo na Fun Serveru,naštivte .Zatím tam hraje málo ...
You WOW 29 Sep 2011 | 01:15 am
Server ganz kostenlos für dich. Einfach mal reinschauen auf – Battlefield Server 4 Free
Eternal WoW – Eternal Private Server 15 Sep 2011 | 07:19 pm
Eternal WoW Server Details : Eternal Realm Instant 80 100% Extreme PvP Malls located in Ironforge and Silvermoon City with free gear to get you started Custom NPC “Port Man” to take you to the Pv...
Welcome to the all new KoR Gaming Network 11 Oct 2011 | 02:00 am
Welcome to the all new KoR Gaming Network. We have modified the wow server to become more of a fun/instant 80 server with gear vendors and such. We hope to be based more on PvP but the PvE side of th...
Ultimate WOW Server 23 Mar 2010 | 02:39 am
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Avraham Stern, the movie? 15 Feb 2010 | 06:33 pm Wow they better not fuck this up. - The Frankness