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More https everywhere addon related news:
VZ Netzwerk HTTPS Everywhere Ruleset 26 Oct 2010 | 01:01 am
Die Firefox-Erweiterung HTTPS-Everywhere leitet automatisch bei bekannten Webseiten auf die verschlüsselte Version weiter. Standardmäßig werden ein paar Webseiten wie zum Beispiel Google, Amazon,Faceb...
HTTPS everywhere gebruikers, welkom. 23 Aug 2012 | 10:53 pm
Welkom! Nadat verschillende mensen gemeld hebben dat https everywhere plugin mensen die naar de browsen naar deze wordpress blijft doorsturen. We hebben dit doorgegeven bij de makers ...
HTTPS everywhere gebruikers, welkom. 23 Aug 2012 | 10:53 pm
Welkom! Nadat verschillende mensen gemeld hebben dat https everywhere plugin mensen die naar de browsen naar deze wordpress blijft doorsturen. We hebben dit doorgegeven bij de maker...
VZ Network HTTPS Everywhere Ruleset 25 Oct 2010 | 06:00 pm
I have made a Ruleset for the Firefox-Plugin HTTPS-Everywhere, it contains the rules for the german VZ Networks like StudiVZ, MeinVZ or SchuelerVZ. The ruleset is very simple but it works and includes...
نحوه دانلود ویدئو از سایت یوتیوب با ساکس یا پراکسیفیر 30 Jul 2013 | 04:18 pm
قبل از هرچیزی افزونه HTTPS EVERYWHERE روی فایرفاکس یا گوگل کروم خود نصب کنید. و حتما تغییرات زیر رو روی پراکسیفیر خودتون اعمال کنید مرحله اول : مرحله اول و مرحله دوم: مرحله دوم بعد از انجام دادن ا...
Surfez en utilisant le https ! 2 Aug 2013 | 03:06 pm
Lorsque vous utilisez vos navigateurs internet, de très nombreuses informations transitent sur le réseau de manière totalement claires et sans aucun chiffrement. L’extension Https Everywhere permet, ...
HTTPS Everywhere will help you browse securely 22 Aug 2013 | 11:30 pm
Big Brother is watching. And, if you’re on the insecure HTTP protocol then your browsing can be monitored. Although HTTPS has been around forever, many sites (including us) do not allow for browsing o...
FoxClocks – useful FF addon for citizens of the world 30 Aug 2011 | 03:33 am
Regardless of where you are right now, if you do business with “the rest of the world” then you need to know what time it is everywhere. I do a lot of business with people in the UK, California and Ne...
New Addons for Zen Cart 30 Nov 2010 | 09:00 pm
New Addons for Zen Cart Free "Excel Populate" and "Ajax Smart Attributes Search for Zen Cart" realized. Read more:
Derby Demons Everywhere 6 Feb 2011 | 11:27 am
Website is under construction check us out at these other spots too: facebook: myspace: e-mail: sint...