Most hugo boss alex thomson related news are at:

On to the next stop… 29 May 2012 | 01:17 am
Monaco was yet another show-stopping weekend for the team, and the rain even stayed away until the final laps of the race yesterday. While our annual trip to Monaco might be over for another year time...
Monaco calling! 16 May 2012 | 11:19 pm
My cynicism was unfounded and apart from 6 hours of motoring we have found wind, albeit smack bang from where we want to go! We are 10miles SW of Cabo De Gata with 25 knots of wind flying our J3 and 1...
More hugo boss alex thomson related news:
New look HUGO BOSS! 10 May 2012 | 09:30 pm
ALEX THOMSON REVEALS THE NEW LOOK HUGO BOSS MARKING SIX MONTHS TO THE START OF THE VENDEE GLOBE Today, marking six months to the start of the Vendée Globe, Alex Thomson unveiled the new-look HUGO BO ...
TJV, Hugo Boss es segundo 19 Nov 2011 | 05:32 pm
© Alexis Courcoux / Transat Jacques Vabre Willy Altadill y Alex Thomson © Alexis Courcoux / Transat Jacques Vabre Fuente info TJV Saturday, november 19th, 2011 Britain's Alex Thomson and Spain's G...
BOSS Black Eyewear con Alex Thomson nel suo riuscito tentativo di stabilire il nuovo record di traversata atlantica in solitaria per monoscafi Open di... 27 Jul 2012 | 06:00 am
Lo skipper britannico ha lasciato Ambrose Lighthouse (USA) il 17 luglio alle 19.09 GMT. Il 26 luglio alle 17:17 GMT ha superato la linea d’arrivo a Lizard Point (GB) dopo 8 giorni 22 ore 8 minuti di ...
Gotland runt 30 Jun 2013 | 09:39 pm
Hallå alla fina bloggläsare. Det var ett tag sen. Jag tänkte bara berätta att jag precis lämnat Stockholms skärgård i en mäktig jävla hugo boss-segelbåt. Jag följer med Alex Thomson och hans…ja vad fa...