Most hulk vs. wolverine cover related news are at:

Sketchbook with a picture of a butt in it! 24 Aug 2013 | 02:42 am
Here's the eBay linky HERE
Bomb 1,2,3,4 with Drawings now on Ebay 23 Aug 2013 | 03:18 am
Here's a link LINK
More hulk vs. wolverine cover related news:
¿Qué pasaría en una pelea entre Hulk vs Wolverine y Thor? 10 May 2012 | 07:08 am
Con el reciente estreno de la película Avengers, y las cortas escenas de pelea entre Hulk y Thor me ha entrado la curiosidad sobre quién ganaría en esa pelea si se realizara hasta el final. Pensando e...
The Hulk Versus Wolverine 27 Oct 2010 | 12:55 am
78wolvie-vs-hulk.jpg I should have posted this a while ago. It was a contest on Aniboom's website. Unfortunately, I found out about it too late and only had about a day to do this. It was a fun and v...
Wolverine vs Hulk, Fan art 27 Jan 2013 | 01:17 am
Primeval Titan & Natural Order (German edition) Featuring : Wolverine vs Hulk Magic the Gathering, All Rights Reserved.
Top F-C des Ventes VF - avril 2013 5 Jul 2013 | 02:29 am
1. THOR 10 10 1. X-MEN 10 10 1. WOLVERINE 10 10 4. AVENGERS 10 9 4. AVENGERS VS X-MEN 6 9 4. HULK 10 9 4. SPIDER-MAN 10 9 4. IRON MAN 10 9 4. SWAMP THING 2 9 10. X-MEN UNIVERSE 10 8 10. AVEN...
Top F-C des Ventes VF - mars 2013 3 Jun 2013 | 12:54 am
1. THOR 9 11 1. X-MEN 9 11 1. WOLVERINE 9 11 1. MARVEL TOP 9 11 5. AVENGERS 9 10 5. AVENGERS VS X-MEN 5 10 5. SPIDER-MAN 9 10 5. X-MEN UNIVERSE 9 10 5. HULK 9 10 5. IRON MAN 9 10 11. MARVEL ...