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İftar Duası 22 Aug 2008 | 04:57 pm
İftarda Yapılacak Duâ “Allâhumme leke sumtu ve bike âmentu ve aleyke tevekkeltu ve alâ rızkıke eftartu veli savmi ğadin neveytu fağfir limâ kaddemtu vemâ ahhertu.” Anlamı: “Allah’ım! Senin için oru...
Chegou a nova gama nature secrets da oriflame 17 Jun 2011 | 11:22 am
Quem vai resistir a nova gama nature secrets??? um cheirinho a verão..humm..que bom...tens varias escolhas, cocô, manga ou framboesas...atreve te ja a comprar os maravilhosos produtos da oriflame...
More Job Losses Anticipated At T-Mobile 16 May 2012 | 11:56 pm
The CEO of T-Mobile, Philipp Humm did not have good news for the thousands of employees who have worked for the company for many years now. In March, the company released a statement that it was closi...
Mignon petit tableau... 15 Feb 2011 | 08:51 am
Ben oui, on dort comme on peut!!! Dur dur le réveil, hein Maaddox?! Humm, on n'est pas mignons?
End of year wrap-up 1 Jan 2012 | 06:11 am
It's been 365 days. Have I achieved simplicity? Humm. That's a great question. Lets see what did I do this year? January I started off the year with a sick love affair with toilet paper rolls: and ...
wickedfire is down where should I go 5 Apr 2011 | 05:17 am
As some of you may have noticed, wickedfire has been down. Here’s a quick post for those wickedfire junkies (humm myself included perhaps if i’m writing this post) who have lost their “home” You shou...
Cheesecakes, humm!!!! 4 May 2012 | 12:00 am
Oba, olha a Maria Antonia de volta aí, gente! Este friozinho aumenta nossa fome, dando sequência ao post gostoso da Carol, mais uma dica de nossa São Paulo! Vocês conhecem a Cheesecakeria? É uma men...
..Ia SeMAkin HAmPir... 23 Dec 2010 | 07:55 pm
Assalamualaikum W.B.T Apa KhabaR pembaCa Semua?? Moga SihAt seLaLu yerk..humm..SunGguh pantas masa Berlalu..Kini Saki baki cuty Sem Tggl beberapa hary jerk lagi..mngkin dalam 10 hary lagi kowt..klo x...
Trip to MBI 19 Nov 2011 | 03:11 pm
hey Hey HEy HEY!!!! Tidak kah kalian menyadari perbedaan di Chaki's Closet?? yuupp i just updated the blog's design ^^ Setelah sekian lama saya tidak ngeblog dan akhirnya ngeblog juga...humm any ide...
Jiwa kacau 8 Dec 2010 | 02:20 am
assalamualaikum... arini mmg xde mood trus aku nk wt pe2..humm mcm2 dugaan datang menimpa..lpas satu2...sabar je la..da mende nk jadi..da mmg tertulis d luh mahfuz..aku spatutnya redha la n trima sea...