Most humor kebahagiaan related news are at:

Bagaimana menjadi orang tua yang bijak dan memaksimalkan potensi anak anda………….. 14 Aug 2012 | 02:03 am
Suatu penuntun yang baik untuk kita para orang tua dalam mendidik anak….. kadang kita kesulitan untuk memahami apa kebutuhan dan apa keinginan anak2 kita……… dan menuntun kita agar bisa menjadi orang t...
Squirtinggg……….. Mauuu………. ??? 25 Feb 2011 | 03:16 am
Sensasional. Mungkin kata inilah yang paling tepat menggambarkan perasaan jika melihat wanita yang Anda cintai mengalami squirting. Sebuah tanda bahwa pasangan Anda telah mencapai kenikmatan bercinta....
More humor kebahagiaan related news:
What to Expect When You’re Expecting 20 May 2012 | 11:50 pm
This film is a humorous and emotional story about five interconnected couples who are suffering from the sudden changes, thrills and surprises of having a baby. Finally, they together realize the trut...
Using Humor to Defend Against Negative Publicity Attacks 4 Jun 2010 | 01:06 pm
This week, a Turkish ship full of Pro-Palestinian activists tried to break a naval blockade of the Gaza strip. When the Israeli Navy tried to board the ship to inspect the cargo, violence broke out an...
Teenager And Fashion Line 15 Jan 2007 | 11:01 pm
Fashion is actually something, which is an important part of teenagers’ life. Teenage reflects the rock and roll personality with a sense of humor and enjoy. Mostly people who follow the fashion rules...
Wedding Dress 15 Jan 2007 | 09:17 pm
humor chinos Wedding dress is like a dream comes true but it is not an easy task to select a wedding dress for an unforgettable event of your life. You all want to have different and beautiful weddin...
Resep / Tips Bahagia : Cara Mudah Hidup Bahagia 15 Mar 2011 | 01:23 pm
Apakah definisi bahagia, bagaimana mempunyai hidup yang bahagia, menjadi wanita bahagia, membentuk keluarga yg berbahagia ? Coba tips sederhana meraih kebahagiaan berikut ini. Resep bahagia yang sa... : Sharing Fun 3 Jan 2012 | 05:16 am
Gigalols is a humor based photo-sharing website featuring lolcats, loldogs and various hilarious pictures created on December 2011. Content The content on Gigalols is mainly submitted by the site ...
Lacey Brooks 23 Sep 2010 | 06:31 am
Lacey Brooks is a young bisexual babe that loves to do naughty things on her website. She is attracted to guys with lots of confidence, nice eyes and a good sense of humor. Lacey is only 22 years old ...
Random Funny, Humorous Pics Collection 23 Feb 2009 | 07:42 am
Some Random Funny, Humorous Pictures Collection Mission Impossible : Mouse Edition 24 Jun 2008 | 07:20 am
I feel there is a great need for us women bloggers[and men] that are over 50 years in age(fifty-plus) to have the opportunity to meet and get to know one another through our blogs. Humorous, family, ...
-- Ahem -- Sorry about that 28 Oct 2011 | 09:20 am
I'm so glad you have a sense of humor. :) Perhaps you'll like this one I wrote in college a little better? Moss A fuzz of furry softness - shining - green and gold A forest, unseen, below