Most hunter dps spreadsheet related news are at:

Brave – A Fairy Tale That Delivers The Magic 24 Jun 2012 | 04:43 am
Brave by Disney/Pixar Last night I had an amazing experience. For over an hour and a half I was transported back into Scotland’s history. Back to a time when men were known more for their brawn than ...
Ep 5 – Speaking From the Heart 21 Jun 2012 | 01:00 am
In the latest episode of the Brigwyn’s Corner Podcast, Mallory (aka Podcastitute) from Heals and Headshots stops by. She and Eddie talk about everything from gator rasslin, chicks who think they’re sa...
More hunter dps spreadsheet related news:
Kheldul: My Hunter Macros in the Age of Pets Not Auto-Casting Standard Attacks 30 May 2013 | 04:05 am
Kheldul at Hunter DPS: Some bosses don’t want to let pet auto-casts fire off Standard Attacks. I’ve added a bunch of Claw and Bites into my existing macros and I...
Video (47 minutes) of Multiboxing Scholomance Instance @ Level 41 3x Hunters 14 Jun 2011 | 02:15 pm
This video is of the 3x Hunter multiboxing team of Tims and we used the LFD system to que and ended up in Scholomance. The hunters are 41, BM spec, and have 3 dps/pvp pets (wolf, fox, dog) and 3 tan...
naxx 25: spider et plague down 6 Jan 2009 | 10:05 pm
1ere soirée tout en first pull. les autres ailes devraient suivre. nous recrutons toujours des dps distance(demo/hunter/moonkin(lol)), quelques healers et 1 tank (dk/paladin)
A Duo 25 Oct 2012 | 07:51 pm
Lately, myself and my other half, one Mister Adequate, have taken to going back to old content and duo’ing it. The twist is that we’re both pure DPS classes (hunter and mage) so we have to make do wit...
Why nerfing attack speed is WRONG 23 Jul 2012 | 01:09 pm
Obviously, I play a Demon Hunter so I lost quite a bit of DPS on account of the increased attack speed (IAS) nerf that Blizzard did a month ago. Before the IAS nerf, I was pulling off 2.5 attacks in a...