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VMworld 2013 San Francisco: VMware vSphere 5.5 y VMware NSX 26 Aug 2013 | 10:52 pm
VMworld 2013 San Francisco ha vuelto a brillar con sus numerosos anuncios hechos públicos por el CEO de VMware, el señor Pat Gelsinger. En este primer día del VMworld 2013 en San Francisco, Pat nos m...
Nos virtualizamos en San Francisco con el VMworld 2013 22 Aug 2013 | 12:30 pm
Esta semana arranca una nueva edición del VMworld 2013, el evento mas importante sobre la virtualización de servidores y Cloud Computing como referente mundial y con una nueva batería de nuevos produc...
More hyper-v vs vmware related news:
Chuyển đổi đĩa cứng ảo của Hyper-V sang Vmware 20 Dec 2011 | 03:23 pm
Phát sinh từ một nhu cầu thực tế, hệ thống đang sử dụng máy ảo trên nền Hyper-V, đột xuất cần 1 máy ảo chạy tương tự chạy trên nền VMWARE. Thay vì phải tạo mới một máy ảo trên nền VMWARE, cài lại từ ...
Windows 2012 Hyperv 3.0 VS Vmware Vsphere 5 15 Aug 2012 | 12:03 pm
While considering the platform for your Virtualization or Cloud, its important that you evaluate and choose the right product that meets your need. The latest buzz in the virtualization market being M...
How to get start on Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 31 Jan 2013 | 10:15 am
I always have a big question mark on Virtualization, and knowing that Hyper-V and Vmware always be the topic when we talk about virtualization. Few month back, I come across Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2...
使用virt-what判断VPS虚拟化技术 5 Aug 2013 | 03:16 pm
VPS拥有多种虚拟化技术,常见的VPS虚拟化架构有多种:OpenVZ、Xen、Hyper-V、KVM、VMWare,您自己在用什么虚拟化技术的VPS呢?各个虚拟化技术的VPS又有什么区别呢?先参考:《VPS虚拟化架构介绍与参考》,再对比和感觉最适合您的虚拟化吧。 [...]
Ph33roX Leakfinder #2 - $15 Hyper Turbos (vs Wild Opponent) 22 Aug 2013 | 01:37 pm
Ph33roX reviews play at the $15 hyper turbo level on Full Tilt Poker. His student's opponent is a wild one, seemingly clicking buttons at random. Ph33roX takes us through how to make decisions in this...
Sync time using cPanel cron to resolve clock drift issue 26 Aug 2013 | 11:10 am
You may see the clock drift issue in many virtulization software like Hyper-V, XEN, Vmware, KVM etc. If the server time is critical for you, you will need to sync the time regularly. This will make su...
Honda Supra VS Suzuki Shogun 20 Oct 2008 | 03:00 pm
Honda Supra X125 dan Suzuki New Shogun 125 head on di pasar bebek 125. Keduanya ditopang teknologi canggih, yakni PGM-FI (Honda) dan Hyper Injection FI (Suzuki). Kebetulan Anda tertarik dengan bebek-b...
SolarWinds Virtualization Manager Offers VMware and Hyper-V in Single Pane 23 Apr 2012 | 01:46 am
SolarWinds’ Virtualization Manager now allows users to manage both VMware and Microsoft Hyper-V environments from a single pane of glass. Diversification of virtualization tools means that multi-platf...
Vsphere Tutorial & demo videos 11 Sep 2010 | 07:15 am
Mike Laverick has done a great job in sharing out the Vmware Vsphere video tutorials, that clearly explains number of vsphere concepts, howto and technologies in details. Worth watching! Watch the vs...
VMWare naar HyperV - Abiquo converteert VMWare naar Microsoft Hyper V 22 Jan 2011 | 11:02 pm
Abiquo converteert VMWare naar Microsoft Hyper V De Amerikaanse firma Abiquo heeft een hulpmiddel ontwikkeld dat in staat is om VMWare om te zetten in Hyper V van Microsoft. De software wordt geprese...