Most i8910 related news are at:

Our Samsung Galaxy S Forum and Samaung i9000 Galaxy S Blog launched 20 Jun 2010 | 01:26 am
While the Samsung i8910 Omnia HD is still a top mobile phone and still going strong thanks to all the custom firmware we have had over the past year. But Its hard to ignore Samsung’s new Android top d...
HX-V3 Video audio, just how much better is it? 19 Mar 2010 | 10:59 am
The trouble with new technology is that it can sometimes be difficult to tell how much better it actually is than what you already have. Of course, manufacturers will always make wild claims about the...
More i8910 related news:
New! PGZ Pang v0.01(0) [by Adam Pigg] (EN) s60v5/S^3/Anna/Belle Game Signed (imzaLı) 11 Apr 2012 | 08:23 am
New! PGZ Pang v0.01(0) [by Adam Pigg] s60v5/S^3/Anna/Belle Game Signed (imzaLı) Language: EngLish s60v5: 360x640 - 5800 / N97 / 5530 / 5230 / X6 / Satio / Vivaz / U5i / Samsung i8910 HD Symbian^...
New! T20 Cricket 2012 [by Jump Games 2012] (EN) s60v5/S^3/Anna/Belle J2ME Java Game 11 Apr 2012 | 08:21 am
New! T20 Cricket 2012 [by Jump Games 2012] s60v5/S^3/Anna/Belle J2ME Java Game Language: EngLish s60v5: 360x640 - 5800 / N97 / 5530 / 5230 / X6 / Satio / Vivaz / U5i / Samsung i8910 HD Symbian^3...
New! Gumps Chocolate Puzzle [by FuguMobile 2012] (EN) s60v5 / s40 / Sony Ericsson Java Game 9 Apr 2012 | 01:59 am
New! Gumps Chocolate Puzzle [by FuguMobile 2012] s60v5 / s40 / Sony Ericsson Java Game Language: EngLish s60v5: 360x640 - 5800 / N97 / 5530 / 5230 / X6 / Satio / Vivaz / U5i / Samsung i8910 HD s...
My thoughts about Iphone 4 and Android mobiles 14 Feb 2011 | 12:17 am
I am close to buying a new smart phone and a debate has started to take place in my head, Iphone or an Android phone. My previous phone, a Samsung Omnia HD or I8910 features the Symbian OS. Now that I...
Samsung i8910 HD 26 Aug 2009 | 11:17 pm
Videos in HD Qualität aufzunehmen ist kein Problem fürs Samsung i8910 HD. Angeschaut werden können diese über ein hochauflösendes Display oder via HDTV-Ausgang zuhause auf dem heimischen Fernsehbildsc...
The Twilight Saga New Moon 2 Mar 2012 | 12:47 am
Genre : Simulation File Name : thetwilightsaganewmoon.jar File Size : 2314kb Supported Phones : (Nokia) 5800 Xpress Music, N97, 5530 Xpress Music (Samsung) i8910 Omnia HD (SonyEricsson) Satio Twil...
Mugen Power 1550mAh, 3100mAh batteries for i8910 HD 14 May 2010 | 07:41 am
For those thinking of getting an additional battery for your Samsung i8910 HD, it may be a good time to look at some extended batteries from trusted third-party battery manufacturer, Mugen Power. They...
Samsung i8910 HD running 62 apps at once [Video] 9 Apr 2010 | 02:43 am
Andy (HyperX) has been doing some wonderful work on i8910 HD modified firmware. In his latest efforts he has been able to run 62 applications simultaneously, quite a feat! The latest build also has a ...
Samsung resurrecting i8910 HD with Windows Phone 7 OS? 16 Mar 2010 | 10:47 pm
Microsoft MIX10 is a conference for mobile devs that’s taking place right now in Las Vegas. The company’s upcoming Windows Phone 7 mobile operating systems has been garnering a lot of headlines and ye...
Samsung i8910 Omnia HD ‘I8910XXJB1’ update finally goes live 12 Feb 2010 | 07:27 am
Samsung has finally released its new firmware, dubbed I8910XXJB1 for the i8910 Omnia HD. This brings with it a number of improvements including faster performance, stability as well as kinetic scrolli...