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IBM AS/400 Disk Drives – Much Secure and Reliable Device for Commercial Sectors! 7 Jun 2011 | 03:53 am
IBM AS/400 disk drives are in use as the basic disk storage device. So, the IBM Redbooks publication has been designed to support the AS/400 device operators and administrators to receive complete inf...
Refurbished IBM AS/400 7 Jun 2011 | 03:15 am
There are a few reasons why now refurbished IBM AS/400 servers are drawing most attention from people. Whether you are looking for IBM iSeries or eServer, with the help of internet you can now find th...
IBM AS/400 disk drives 21 Jul 2011 | 08:18 pm
Perfdata gives you a wide range of the used & refurbished IBM AS400, iSeries, as well as eServer POWER 5 disk drives. We have the disks for each system made in 7200, 15k and 10k RPM. We also have 4314...
El querido AS/400: Un cuarto de siglo con nosotros 2 Aug 2013 | 02:15 am
IBM AS/400: Un cuarto de siglo con nosotros. Hace 25 años IBM revelaba al mundo desde los laboratorios de Rochester, la AS/400®, ahora IBM i y parte de los IBM Power Systems™. Muchos apasionados y f...
PHP on IBM i (AS/400) 25 Feb 2012 | 12:22 am
PHP on IBM i I found an interesting article on Mike Pavlak’s blog and I have copied it below for your information and convenience. How does PHP perform on IBM i? Image via Wikipedia Many folks who...
An AS400 Application Cross Reference Utility 14 Feb 2011 | 11:07 pm
This utility has the purpose to collect and produce Cross Reference information about an application on an IBM iSeries (AS/400) system. Often applications have a large number of files and programs an...
Goto400 – AS400 Freeware, Software and Other Services 6 Feb 2011 | 11:11 pm
An interesting AS400 site is which provides Freeware, Software and other Services for the IBM System i (AS/400) Systems. I copy below some useful information from their site. Website Inf...
Make Stored Procedure at DB2 18 Jan 2009 | 08:40 pm
To make a Stored Procedure with IBM Data Studio, you can follow this step by step tutorial 1. Open IBM Data Studio 2. Choose file -> new -> data development project 3. Give a project name, for example...
Peeling Sticker Effect in Flash 30 May 2012 | 07:52 pm
Today we our going to make a peeling sticker effect in flash. Here we are taking the stage dimensions as 300×400 and the FPS is 24, as shown in the Figure below. To start with the tutorials 1. First i...
Ilustrasi gambar USB - Flash drive 11 Mar 2009 | 10:33 pm
Tutorial photoshop kali ini gw mao bikin flash disk, ... kira kira kaya gini sih bentuk na, namana juga ilustrasi.. hhehhek pada canvas baru berukuran 800 x 400 px, aktifkan dlu grid canvas na untuk ...