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Make Stored Procedure at DB2 18 Jan 2009 | 08:40 pm
To make a Stored Procedure with IBM Data Studio, you can follow this step by step tutorial 1. Open IBM Data Studio 2. Choose file -> new -> data development project 3. Give a project name, for example...
How to Install IBM Data Studio 18 Jan 2009 | 12:27 am
This is the step by step to install IBM data studio 1. Open drive:\Installer\DB installer2_Install\IBM Data Studio\Windows 2. Extract IBM_data_studio_v111_win file 3. Click setup.exe. 4. Choose Instal...
What cloud and SOA will bring in 2012: seven 'half-baked ideas' 21 Dec 2011 | 03:36 am
Summary: More Big Data power, more data center power, more user power, more opportunities await organization in the year ahead. The year 2011 has been an interesting year in terms of SOA-cloud conver...
餐饮采购要掌握这些技巧 31 May 2012 | 08:37 pm
饮采购的好坏,直接关系着餐饮店经营的成功与否。作为餐饮经营者,必须要慎重,餐饮采购你要掌握一下采购技巧。 寻价三人行 寻价,是价格谈判中不可缺少的重要一环。应当说,它的具体作方式,因人因地因时而异,效果自然有差别。北京国际饭店的做法是:寻价三人行。也衇]> 商品交易 服务信息 寂寞人错 Thu, 31 May 2012 08:37:59 +0000 IBM 44H2746 Power ...
2-in-1 USB 2.0 Power Data Cable for PSP 14 Aug 2012 | 08:35 am
2-in-1 USB 2.0 Power Data Cable for PSP 100% brand new and high quality 2 in 1 USB Data Power Charge Cable for SONY PSP Very handy cable with both charging and data transfer combined together, and th...
Elementary, Dear Watson 17 Oct 2012 | 09:19 pm
By Evan Falchuk Watson, IBM’s powerful artificial intelligence system gained huge notoriety on Jeopardy! by defeating the show’s best-ever human player, is an important achievement. It’s leading to t...
Power PWChecker – Secures user data 13 Dec 2012 | 10:09 pm
Power PWChecker – Secures user data It is always advisable to be safe and secure where passwords are concerned. This jQuery plug-in helps in securing passwords with a rating. The Power PWChecker is a ...
IBM Project is “Most Contagious 2012″ 16 Dec 2012 | 02:18 am
Our IBM data project featured at the US Open gets some great love in Contagious' 2012 "Best of"...
IBM Data Baby 26 Apr 2010 | 05:00 am
IBM Data Baby - a new tv commercial has been posted to my portfolio.
DataStax: The NoSQL Database for Big Data-Powered Applications 23 Jul 2013 | 08:06 pm
Large web applications need a database that can scale across continents, that offers operational simplicity, exceptional fault tolerance, and low latency in Silicon Valley, Sydney and Surakarta.