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News: This Week's Euro Downloads - 31/05/12 30 May 2012 | 07:20 am
Everybody's favourite French, limbless hero comes to the 3DS... again. If the recent free eShop demo of Rayman Origins was enough to whet your appetite for more of Michel Ancel's iconic character, yo...
New Irvine Welsh Book 2012: Skagboys – The Trainspotting Prequel 29 Nov 2011 | 06:08 am
Scheduled to be published in April 2012, Skagboys returns to Trainspotting’s iconic characters and tells the story of how Renton, Sick Boy, Spud, Tommy and Begbie came to be… Skagboys is already avai...
The many faces of Hugo Chavez 22 Aug 2011 | 08:24 am
There is no doubt that Hugo Chavez is a very charismatic and iconic character. As any politician knows, image is very important to maintain their leadership position. Hugo Chavez knows this and has ...
All Characters 14 Apr 2011 | 10:15 pm
All my iconic characters enjoying a view of the setting sun and the rise on the moon
EA Tekken Mobile™ v1.0.7 {Hard Hitting Combat and Iconic Characters} 30 Nov 2010 | 01:00 am
EA Tekken Mobile™ v1.0.7 {Hard Hitting Combat and Iconic Characters} Tekken Mobile brings the hard hitting combat and iconic characters of the Tekken console games to your mobile. Featuring an unprec...
12 Best Java Games 24 Oct 2010 | 01:00 pm
12 Best Java Games Platform: java | Size: 19.6 Mb | Quantity: 12 Collection of amazing new products for mobile phones! 1.M2 Fighters – a world of fierce battles and iconic characters from the console ...
Steve Jobs 6 Oct 2011 | 08:16 pm
We discovered today that Steve Jobs, one of the most iconic characters in our industry died today. This is a really sad event that has resonated across the world, on my own Facebook feed I notice tha...
The Wolverine News: Hugh Jackman is Still Grateful to be Logan 25 Jul 2012 | 06:00 pm
Fox / Marvel By Daniel Wolf Editor-in-Chief The Wolverine begins to shoot next week and the actor who portrays one of Marvel's most iconic characters is still grateful of his role as Wolverine. "I ...
Tomb Raider: The Final Hours Edition Review ( PC Download/ XBOX/PlayStation3) 28 Feb 2013 | 02:19 pm
Games Review : How can the developer to re-create iconic characters from the game? Looks like it will be a very difficult thing, considering the paradigm fans are attached with iconic characters befor...
Amazing Wolverine Illustrations 11 Jun 2013 | 07:24 am
Over the years, X-Men gave us many iconic characters, but the most memorable of them all is without doubt, Wolverine. Everybody loves him even if he comes from a past full of violence, war and betraya...