Most icones skype cachées related news are at:

My world ; where next ? 20 Aug 2013 | 07:37 pm
Create your own visited countries map or check out the JavaScript Charts.
Pourquoi le 15 août est-il férié ? 15 Aug 2013 | 01:14 pm
Philippe de Champaigne, 1638, Musée des beaux-arts de Caen Louis XIII a choisi de remercier la Vierge Marie en lui donnant le patronage de la France à la suite de la grossesse de son épouse Anne d’Au...
More icones skype cachées related news:
Social 3D Icons Free to use 27 Jan 2011 | 12:12 am
Social 3D Icons Free to use. Contains 20 icons for your website: facebook, forrst (2 versions), twitter, deviantart, dribbble, ember, flickr, gowalla,, linkedin, posterous, myspace, skype, v...
Skype Icon Design Tutorial 6 Oct 2008 | 06:37 am
This tutorial will show you how to create Skype Icon in Photoshop. Copyright © AllTuts 2008 | ARTICLE | Visit the site for more Photoshop Tutorials | Free Photoshop Brushes | Illustrator Tutorials 6 Apr 2012 | 10:13 am
Live Calls To Rj’s.(Just Click On Skype Icon) Clock FaceBooK
36 free vintage social icons 3 Jun 2012 | 05:35 pm
After the huge success of our first vintage set we decided it’s time for an update so we added 15 brand new icons! The new icons are: Dribbble, Pinterest, Google+, Skype, Vimeo, Behance, Github, Spoti...
Skype Emoticons Cheatsheet v1.2.6 Emoticons 20 Jun 2012 | 06:21 pm
Icon Animated Name Shortcodes Smile :) :=) :-) Sad Smile :( :=( :-( Big Smile :D :=D :-D :d :=d :-d Cool 8) 8=) 8-) B) B=) B-) (cool) Wink :o :=o :-o :O :=O :-O
36 free vintage social icons 3 Jun 2012 | 05:35 pm
After the huge success of our first vintage set we decided it’s time for an update so we added 15 brand new icons! The new icons are: Dribbble, Pinterest, Google+, Skype, Vimeo, Behance, Github, Spoti...
Free Retro icon set – updated 18 Nov 2012 | 09:10 pm
It was about time for an update So, I have added 22 new icons: Pinterest, google+, instagram, devianart, dribbble, forrst, stumble upon (new), twiter bird, posterious (new), blog, behance, skype, appl...
Free Retro icon set – updated 18 Nov 2012 | 09:10 pm
It was about time for an update So, I have added 22 new icons: Pinterest, google+, instagram, devianart, dribbble, forrst, stumble upon (new), twiter bird, posterious (new), blog, behance, skype, app...
Kirby Skype icons 9 Apr 2013 | 09:46 am
It's Kirby! In Skype form! I had a sudden urge to make something to use for a Skype icon, and while I ended up going with another idea entirely, I figured I'd continue on this simple concept once I ha...
What happens every second on the internet 12 Aug 2013 | 04:53 pm
Quite humbling to visualize what actually goes on right now on the internet. Every Instagram photo, Skype call and other common datasets are represented with an icon and the numbers are impressive. S...