Most ie6 css fix related news are at:

wai man yip/x10 26 Aug 2013 | 03:14 pm
Wai Man Yip (sometimes credited as Raymond Yip) is a somewhat inconspicuous director. Not that he hasn't been able to enjoy a few mild successes, but most of his films lack international appeal and wh...
scrset arrives in webkit/hardware-dependent html 22 Aug 2013 | 04:43 pm
Last year I already wrote at length about the proposition to include a standardized (or was it bastardized) solution for responsive images in html. Well, earlier this week webkit incorporated the srcs...
More ie6 css fix related news:
Simple CSS Fixed Header 21 May 2012 | 08:42 am
Content is king when it comes to website traffic, however if your site doesn’t show well then you could be losing some of your audience or even business prospects. When I visit a website and see a f...
A different approach to qualifying CSS position: fixed 23 May 2012 | 03:22 am
Posted by Scott on 05/22/2012 Topics: accessibility css javascript mobile usability CSS fixed-positioning varies widely in browser support, and it's quite difficult to test. Unfortunately, unli...
CSS fixed footer 1 Jun 2011 | 04:43 pm
Простой пример css кода, для того, чтобы footer всегда оставался на фиксированном месте. read more
[lang_en]Webdesign and IE6 incompatibility – Fix your problems in 5 minutes[/lang_en][lang_it]Webdesign e incompatibilità con IE6 – Come risolvere i t... 10 Jan 2009 | 06:44 am
[lang_en]There are many web developers that make their custom design using standards XHTML and CSS codes. Nowadays we have many browsers using standards from W3C: Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Googl...
解决 IE6 position:fixed 固定定位问题 4 Jul 2012 | 10:30 am
就像你所遇到的问题一样, IE6 有太多的 bug 让制作网页的人头疼。这篇文章介绍的是介绍我的如何解决 IE6 不支持 position:fixed; 属性的办法。 关于 position:fixed; 属性 生成绝对定位的元素,相对于浏览器窗口进行定位。 元素的位置通过 “left”, “top”, “right” 以及 “bottom” 属性进行规定。 position:fixed; ...
Animation mit transparenten PNG Dateien im Internet Explorer 16 Nov 2012 | 08:28 pm
Wieder einmal hat mich der Internet Explorer an die Wand gefahren und musste feststellen, dass es mit folgendem CSS-Fix zu lösen ist: .ie .whateverDivWrappingTheImage img { background: #ffaabb; filter...
233: TZ Discussion – My Algorithm Thinks You Look Hot! 3 May 2013 | 08:38 am
Justin and Jason discuss the technologies (Node.js, & Redis) that Justin and Udi are using to build digedu’s chat system, using CSS fixed positioning for popups on tablets, the influence of ...
Posfixed 5 May 2013 | 05:00 am
Posfixed 能够让网页的导航或表头等固定在顶部或底部,让用户更方便的操作或查看信息,淘宝网、易迅网等电子商务网站常常用到这种效果。除了导航和表头,也可以固定其他内容,比如广告、返回顶部等等。Posfixed 几乎兼容所有浏览器,包括 IE6,所以 Posfixed 也可以作为解决 IE6 不支持 fixed 的一个方案。
BuddyStream 2.6.2 released! 17 Sep 2012 | 09:45 pm
This release brings a few fixes and improvements. * Improved check for sending out to networks (now no longer conflicts with plugins like activity hashtags) * Small CSS fix for BuddyPress 1.6 suppor...
Conditional sibling class names for IE patching 12 Apr 2013 | 12:22 am
Traditionally, web developers have been using either CSS hacks or conditional comments to target different versions of Internet Explorer with CSS fixes. In the last few years more and more people have...