Most ie form bug related news are at:

Kayaking the Swift River Falls 20 Oct 2010 | 03:33 am
The Swift River in New Hampshire flows eastward along the beautiful Kancamagus Highway. There are three commonly paddled sections known as the Upper Upper Swift, the Upper Swift, and the Lower Swift. ...
Field API: Get mentored and help out! 29 Apr 2009 | 07:43 am
The Field API is major new functionality in Drupal 7 to provide custom data types just like CCK did for previous versions of Drupal. Field API became part of Drupal 7 February, 2009, but there is stil...
More ie form bug related news:
css3教程:box-sizing属性 21 Apr 2012 | 06:58 pm
说到 IE 的 bug,在 IE6以前的版本中,IE对盒模型的解析出现一些问题,跟其它浏览器不同,将 border 与 padding 都包含在 width 之内。而另外一些浏览器则与它相反,是不包括border和padding的。 在我们开发的过程中会发现,有时候,如果对页面中的大区域进行设置时,将border、padding计算到width和height之内,反而更灵活。但W3C的 CSS2...
Microsoft warns on IE browser bug 24 Dec 2010 | 05:24 am
Microsoft has issued a warning about a serious vulnerability in all versions of its Internet Explorer (IE) browser. If exploited by a booby-trapped webpage the bug would allow attackers to take contr...
Stray Random Quotes 1.9.4 (and 1.9.5) 15 Apr 2009 | 01:01 am
I feel good about this revision. I felt good about this revision until I found a tiny bug that caused a javascript error in IE. The bug was small but it caused me to issue version 1.9.5 right away, l...
[译] Internet Explorer 的创新 23 Aug 2012 | 04:18 pm
本文作者:Justice 译者按 IE 曾是 web 创新的先驱,但最近几年因为对 web 标准的支持落后于其他浏览器以及低版本 IE 的各种 bug 而被人诟病。雅虎的 Nicholas C. Zakas 带我们回顾了 IE 在 web 发展过程中扮演的辉煌角色,让我们能以一个更客观的眼光来看待 IE。看完这篇文章,也许大家都会对 IE 浏览器有一定的改观,这也是我翻译这篇文章的目的。 译...
ZOOM is good for print.css 9 Jul 2009 | 12:11 pm
Part 2 in my series on print.css While one of your co-workers is in the middle of an annoying IE6 bug, say “zoom one” to them and chances are they will laugh (or maybe cry). The proprietary IE css ‘z...
GuMax 3.4.5 Template 4 May 2009 | 08:32 pm
Release notes - new Mediawiki releases updates - enhanced design and layout - tweak based on feedback from users - IE Png fix - other bug fixes The template has been tested on Firefox 3.0 and up...
Dea's application form 4 Mar 2009 | 12:20 am
Name: Andrea Sex: Female Age: 14 Location: USA Nationality: Filipino Position: MODERATOR Contact number email or etc.) a) Are you a staff member (ie admin/moderator/st...
Victor Meldrew Should Get an InfusionSoft Account 25 Mar 2010 | 12:51 am
I reported a bug, and asked InfusionSoft to look at fixing it. But now the problem seems worse. You can no longer do email testing of Follow up Sequences and forms by using gmail addresses with the fo...
IE-Bug - umflossene Bilder werden nicht angezeigt 26 Jun 2007 | 08:11 pm
Und wieder hat der Internet Explorer mit einem seiner unzählbaren Bugs zugeschlagen. Nach einiger Zeit anstrengender Suche, konnte das seltsame Phänomen gelöst werden: Vom Text umflossene Bilder wer...
Pimped-Fusion v0.09.03 Bug Fix Update 15 Jan 2011 | 06:32 am
Hi, I just got notified that there is a bug in the registration form of Pimped-Fusion. Full version and Update Package of Pimped Fusion v0.09.03 can be downloaded here.