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Laura @Café Charlot 6 Apr 2012 | 11:47 pm
Laura ne souhaite pas qu’on la reconnaisse, j’ai peur qu’avec d’aussi jolies fesses cela soit difficile de rester anonyme. Un autre indice, sa réplique en cas de prise en flag d’ignorance : « Laissez...
"Asking too many questions is a red flag. Any time someone starts asking a lot of questions I tell..." 27 Mar 2010 | 06:47 am
“Asking too many questions is a red flag. Any time someone starts asking a lot of questions I tell them to simplify all of their concerns into a single question, which I then ignore.” - Jason Fried (...
Flag Member's Ads - Items for Sale - Non Commercial ! 23 Aug 2006 | 02:26 am
Hi folks, following recent demand and seeing as how despite my best efforts, :bnh :confused: :rolleyes: you are all ignoring the posh free ad software I provided on , I have introduc...
Tu P – Two Flags Video 25 Apr 2013 | 10:55 am
Conscious hip hop over ignorant beats. Artsit: Tu P Album: Made of Jade Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Unsigned APRA (AUSTRALIA) Widgets
Happy Flag Day 15 Jun 2013 | 04:36 am
By and large, Flag Day is one of those "holidays" that people either don't know about...or ignore. However, my elementary school made a huge deal about it. We sang flag songs, took a school picture ...
Ignore Keyword Density, Look at Word Clouds Instead 7 Oct 2012 | 01:00 am
One of the most challenging things to get right in SEO and producing content for a website is keyword density, too much and you get flagged for spam, too little and you might not rank for your niche. ...
Nancy 20 Aug 2013 | 06:20 pm
It’s said that every journey begins with a single step. My fall into becoming a victim of domestic violence took a single step, followed by many more. Along the way I ignored danger signs and red flag...