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Auction Theme - SEO Friendly Auction Script, 10+ Extra Auction Designs 15 Feb 2011 | 10:00 am
AuctionPress is a powerful auction theme that harnesses the power of Wordpress to create ready-to-go SEO friendly auction websites that can be setup in minutes with little or no programming knowledge ...
Wordpress Shopping Cart Theme 15 Feb 2011 | 10:00 am
ShopperPress is a turn-key ready quot;out of the boxquot; shopping cart solution for Wordpress. You simply install, select from 20+ shopping cart themes, add products and your ready to start accepting...
More iis php stats related news:
Prestashop installation minimum server requirements 4 Mar 2012 | 07:04 am
This is the official list of the minimum requirements to install a Prestashop website on your server: Personal domain name Web server: Apache 1.3, Apache 2.x, Nginx or Microsoft IIS PHP 5.1+ instal...
Opencart Programının Çalışması İçin Gerekli Olan Sistem Gereksinimleri 2 Jul 2010 | 10:50 am
OpenCart herhangi bir web sunucusuna yüklenebilir: Apache veya Windows IIS PHP 5 MySQL Fakat yukarıdaki sistemlerin hostunuza kurulu olması gereklidir. Bazı servis sağlayıcılar bu ürünleri ücret karşı...
PHP Stats for October 2008 8 Nov 2008 | 04:41 pm
PHP is found on 32.84% of web sites. PHP 5.2.6 has now twice as many users as PHP 5.2.5. PHP 5 reaches 47.55% of the whole PHP market. The full October 2008 PHP stats is available at 35.1 m...
IIS PHP cURL SSL 10 Feb 2012 | 06:43 am
I’ve been working on a checkout system for a client site… Everything works well on our local and dev servers, but when we launched to the production box, which happens to be IIS, the checkout bombs. ...
win7+iis+php+fastcgi安装 2 Nov 2011 | 05:57 pm
1、点击“开始”菜单—>“控制面板” —> “程序和功能” —> “打开或关闭Windows功能”。 2、找到“Internet 信息服务” —> “万维网服务”—>“性能功能”—>“动态内容压缩”、“万维网服务”—>“应用程序开发功能”—>“CGI”,勾选上然后确定。 3、打开IIS管理器,在中间的功能视图里打开“处理程序映射”,点击右边操作栏里的“添加模块映射”。 请...
php空间?提供什么样的空间最多就很清楚 2 Aug 2012 | 06:22 am
待讨论: "\n":提供。com/Cpp/CppCodingStandard… False。想知道php空间。都遵守变量的命名规则。asp空间试用。xml文件中截取的片段:php变量命名规则。我将自己写好命名空间中 php空间?提供什么样的空间最多就很清楚我不知道试用3天虚拟主机。…举个NetworkABCKey:iis php mysql。enable_dl = On ! 显示所有的错误。最多。...
VPS Linux 服务器配置- 自己用(新手) 30 Dec 2012 | 05:15 pm
VPS Linux 服务器配置 – 自己用 之前的vps一直用window 2003 + iis + PHP+mysql . 但是运行了一段时间, mysql总是运行两三天就挂掉了.总是要重启. 于是换了linux – centos 6.2 来试试. 对于linux, 可能就是要配置麻烦些, 不过, 网上也有一些大侠提供了集成安装包. Lanmp就是一个很好的应用. lanmp一键安装包...
Handler "PHP5x_via_FastCGI" has a bad module "FastCgiModule" in its module list 3 Jul 2013 | 10:55 pm
Below is a guest post by Desiree at OrcsWeb with an IIS/PHP/CGI troubleshooting tip: I installed WordPress for one of our managed clients recently, and what should have been a simple install, turned i...
How to Increase PHP Performance on Windows Servers 24 Jan 2010 | 08:51 am
I needed to upgrade PHP on my servers. I run a mix of Windows 2008 and Windows 2003 servers using IIS. I had been doing quit a bit of research the last couple weeks. My research taught me a few things...
Compresser vos pages avec Gzip 30 Mar 2010 | 10:40 pm
Premier article d'une longue série de tutoriels qui vous permettront d'améliorer les performances de vos pages web. Nous commençons aujourd'hui par activer la compression Gzip dans PHP, Apache ou IIS.