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More illumina ontology related news:
FDA sends letters to 5 genetic testing companies 12 Jun 2010 | 09:58 am
It appears that the FDA sent letters to several different direct to consumer genetic testing companies. They are 23andme, Navigenics, DeCode, Illumina, and Knome, which provides whole genome sequencin...
Implications of Open World Assumption in Ontology Applications 17 Dec 2011 | 10:54 am
Looking at newbies’ questions in OWL forums [1], I came to notice that most computer science guys usually makes wrong assumptions about inference on ontologies. This is because we are used to work wit...
Natale e Capodanno a Frontino nel Montefeltro 10 Oct 2011 | 01:37 pm
Su Frontino e su tutto il Montefeltro la speranza è che scenda la neve per le feste più sentite dell’anno.Mancano ancora alcune settimane al Natale, la festività che illumina l’inverno e a cui noi del...
Ontology Design: Theory, Tools and Applications 5 Oct 2011 | 01:50 pm
Ontologies and formal representations of knowledge are extremely powerful tools for modeling and managing large applications in several domains ranging from knowledge engineering, to data mining, to t...
NIKON COOLPIX P500 2 Mar 2012 | 09:35 am
PRICE: $399.95* Product View Nikon launches COOLPIX P500 to take you closer to the action. Its mind-blowing 36x Zoom-NIKKOR ED glass lens, dual image processors and 12.1-megapixel backside-illumina...
About Illumina Theme 15 Apr 2012 | 08:51 pm
What is Illumina Theme ? Illumina Theme is free wordpress theme gallery. We make quality free WordPress themes coded with passion. Our theme you see on this website are original design with WordPress...
Conair TM7LX-320 Illumina Three panel Make-up Mirror w/4 Light Settings 10 Jan 2012 | 07:15 pm
This blog title has been optimized using From the Conair Illumina Collection this triple panel mirror is a handsome accessory, suitable for any décor. The side panels adjust for custom viewing and fo...
Virtual (and Real) World Ontology Services 23 May 2011 | 09:45 pm
Un artículo interesante sobre el desarrollo de ontologías para modelar objetos del mundo real que es directamente aplicable a entornos virtuales 3D (metaversos), como Scond Life, Unity, OpenSim y much...
Hub09 illumina Biella: Building Projection 30 Mar 2012 | 08:32 pm
Projection on building sulle mura del Teatro Sociale Villani, realizzata per la presentazione di Officina 2020 (progetto di comunicazione territoriale) il 26 giugno 2010 a Biella, in Piazza Martiri de...
The Ontology of Collapse: Constructivism in the works 12 Feb 2011 | 04:56 am
In the works, a predominant concept is the distinction between figure and ground. Any number of discourses concerning precapitalist construction exist. But the fatal flaw, and eventually the rubicon, ...