Most im home in binary related news are at:

Yup, What She Said 10 Dec 2011 | 12:02 pm
This is one of those posts I wished I had written myself. And I totally get it. “Are You One of Those Organic People?” Here’s to the EVOLUTION!
Bottle – A Short Video 9 Dec 2011 | 11:58 am
Bottle from Kirsten Lepore on Vimeo. Animated on location at a beach, in snow, and underwater, this stop-motion short details a transoceanic conversation between two characters via objects in a bottl...
More im home in binary related news:
Aug 9th 10 Aug 2011 | 06:58 pm
Hay everyone, Im home now, I've been home for a little while but I've been busy enjoying our summer weather by going to the lake and the beach! Have to do all these things before school starts back in...
Tipps für das Arbeiten im Home Office - Teil 2 4 May 2012 | 06:00 pm
Home Sweet Home 26 Jan 2012 | 12:02 am
Im Home!! Yeahh.. balik jugak aku setelah berhempas pulas dgn esaimen,presentation, test,FINAL! dan segala mak nenek tuh.. Phewww! Sem yg sgt memenatkan. bukan aku sorg jek rasa tp kebanyakan stu....
the ideal wedding dress for me. 30 Oct 2011 | 09:58 pm
im doing nothing today. all play no work make jane a lazy girl. haha. im home alone. mak and ayah gone to tg leman. ayah got some work to do there. im staying home just watching tv, when just now i wa...
Staying Up With News 28 Aug 2007 | 02:31 am
My blog is far less interesting now that Im home. That's fine with me. :) I've been relaxing, working on some projects at home, and preparing for some trips. My wife, the boys and I are heading to Min...
Saya dah kembali berblogging :) 21 May 2011 | 01:10 am
tak suka? click 'X' kat atas tu ye :) simple aite? setelah bergelumang dengan buku-buku *bajet study gempak habis* IM HOME! yayyyy :D *okay saje je capital nak tunjuk betapa happy nye ada kat rumah...
Mama's armpit paradise 13 Apr 2012 | 04:31 am
Im at Mama's Armpit Paradise~ hehe, that means Im home-ed ! :D Got the term (mama's armpit paradise) from one of the bloggers, i find it super right! Mama's armpit is always the best shelter HAHA =D ....
Mr.single is Back 10 Feb 2012 | 08:36 pm
hey guys! home!..haha!..lame xupdate blog,errr...maybe dlm 3bulan mcm tu kot..sorry,kite busy kerja n now dah xkerja,thats why ade kesempatan nak update blog,.rindu dgn followers :) hee..last upd...
4K2K 3 Mar 2010 | 12:22 am
Das 4K2K Format gilt als zukünftiger Nachfolger von Full HD 1080p welches bisher die Spitze in Sachen Bildqualität und Auflösung bei HDTV im Home Enterntainment Bereich darstellt. 4K2K bietet mit 4.09...
Texters Garten Office 30 May 2012 | 03:47 am
Wenn es im Home Office zu eng wird, wechsel ich eben in mein Garten Office, Deckenhöhe gefühlte 15.000 Meter.