Most image scan for linux related news are at:

電子ペーパーへの取り組みを紹介- AREC主催「AREC・Fiiプラザ 第132回リレー講演会」にて講演(3/15開催) -[経営・広報] 23 Feb 2012 | 05:00 am
アヴァシス株式会社(本社:長野県上田市、代表取締役:小笠原 俊彦)は、2012年3月15日(木)に開催されるAREC主催の「AREC・Fiiプラザ 第132回リレー講演会(機器組込ソフト分野)」にて、本格普及が秒読みされている「電子ペーパー」の特徴とアヴァシスの取り組みについての講演を行うことになりましたので、お知らせします。 電子ペーパー(電子書籍)や電子ペーパーへの組込みソフトウェア開発に興...
Qt Developer Conference Tokyo 2011にて技術提案を行いました[経営・広報] 27 Dec 2011 | 04:44 pm
2011年12月15日(木)・16日(金)に開催されました「Qt Developer Conference Tokyo 2011」にて技術提案を行いました。 Qtの技術を使い、「いかに素早く、欲しい商品を探せるか」という観点から小売店の現場が抱える悩みを解決するGUIアプリケーションを、デモンストレーションを交えてご紹介しました。 2日間に渡ってたくさんのお客様にご来場いただき、誠にありがとう...
More image scan for linux related news:
Create PDF from multiple image files on Linux 20 Mar 2012 | 09:09 pm
I had a bunch of image files A01.jpg, A02.jpg and so forth that i needed created into a PDF. ImageMagick to the rescue:
Handling ISO images in linux/ubuntu 11.10 11 Dec 2011 | 04:58 am
Using an ISO image on Ubuntu Linux is pretty easy. It can be done by just typing few commands in terminal. Open up a terminal window and type in the following commands sudo mkdir /media/iso sudo mod...
What is Thermal Image Scanning? 24 Aug 2011 | 04:05 am
What is Thermal Image Scanning? Thermal imaging uses infrared technology to detect very small differences in temperature. Every material has a unique thermal signature and when moisture, heat, cold, o...
Aperture Workflow for Scanned Pics 31 Dec 2008 | 08:05 am
This will go over my workflow for Scanned Images. This is my aperture workflow for scanned pics. First things first - we need to get the images scanned in. Fortunately the folks over at
ABG Pamer Be'Ha dan Belahan dada Montok 2 Dec 2010 | 06:21 pm
Enaknya lihatin ABG pamer Be'Ha apalagi di depan mata kita apalagi dalam suasana kamar yang gelap mak nyussss............ Hot ABG Girls pictures, Hot ABG Girls photos, Hot ABG Girls pics, images, scan...
Bulging Disc Treatment Brisbane 21 Nov 2011 | 05:04 pm
If you’re reading this then chances are you’re in a lot of pain. You either suspect you have, or have been diagnosed through medical imaging scans- a bulging disc. Treatment is important, but having a...
Create an ISO Image File in Linux 6 Nov 2010 | 07:01 am
Have you ever wanted to create an identical copy of an original CD, DVD, or Blu-ray disc? By using the following commands, contents of an optical disc or local directory can be perfectly represented i...
Excellent Imaging with CT Scanner 23 Mar 2012 | 10:28 pm
Today technology facilitates detecting cancer in the body of people. One of technological tools for this one is imaging scanning system or as most popular as known CT scanner. It allows you to detect ...
Radiology tech jobs 14 Sep 2010 | 10:03 pm
Radiology technicians are health care professionals who are responsible for performing diagnostic imaging procedures like x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging scans, computed tomography and fluoroscopy. ...
SIR - Simple Image Resizer di Linux 22 Jun 2012 | 09:18 pm
A simple application for resizeing images. SIR - Simple Image Resizer is a simple application for resizeing images. SIR - Simple Image Resizer is inspired by GTPY - ImageResizer. It uses C++/QT anda Q...