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Mashad Persian Rugs 26 Jan 2011 | 06:33 am
Mashad is the capital municipality of the province of Khorasan in northeastern Iran. This consecrated municipality is well-known for the shrine of the eighth Shiite Imam, Imam Reza. Additionally to......
Mashad Persian Rugs 26 Jan 2011 | 01:33 am
Mashad is the capital municipality of the province of Khorasan in northeastern Iran. This consecrated municipality is well-known for the shrine of the eighth Shiite Imam, Imam Reza. Additionally to......
Menguak Kesesatan Syi’ah 13 Jan 2012 | 03:35 am
Dalam suatu demonstrasi yang dipimpin Imam Khomeini pada tahun 1979, Shah Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlevi, berhasil ditumbangkan. Inilah revolusi Syi’ah yang melahirkan Republik Islam Iran. Namun, secara ...
Body Shop or Software Sweatshop – Avoid Them! 13 May 2009 | 06:35 am
One of the engagement model choices for outsourcing your software development I have described in the past is the Body Shop. Another name used by Reza Imam in his recent article is Software Sweatshop!...
Presentation at SSUET 23 Jan 2012 | 12:15 am
Had A great Day Today, Conducting A session on Entrepreneurship In Sir Syed University where Sir Atif, Sharique Imam and Mauhib Iqbal too conducted sessions on Microsoft Technologies. We have talent a...
Sekitar majlis sambutan Hari Wanita Antarabangsa 2012 di Multimedia University.. dorg nie pon ade jugakkkk.. nota_kaki : IMAM MUDA NAJDI NIE KACAK JUGAK ORGNYE.. SEJUK MATE MEMANDANG.. VERY LOW PROF...
Post graduate Preparatory Course (Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences) with IMAM MOSIT- Remembering to believe 16 Dec 2012 | 08:53 am
With Dr Dalila, Dr Aneesa & Dr Yusuf Last month I received an S.O.S from one of my fellow trainee lecturer friends in IIUM, Dr Solah. He asked me if I could replace him as a guest speaker for a progr...
Exhibition “Fenêtres de l’âme” – REZA tells the story of human universality 21 Jun 2013 | 02:19 pm
Throughout the path of life, the errors of man, and the turmoil of history, the violence committed due to the desire for power, all seem insignificant. In the march on humanity’s long road and endeavo...
Jenis-jenis kanser yang menyerang wanita 25 Jul 2013 | 09:57 am
Oleh Prof. Madya Dr. Shah Reza (Pakar Perbidanan dan Sakit Puan Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM)) PENGURANGAN risiko kanser boleh dilakukan dengan mengubah gaya dan tatacara kehidup...
Lulusnya Ust Syafiq Reza Basalamah dan Kesaksian tentang Beliau 8 May 2013 | 06:52 am
Alhamdulilah satu lagi Ustadz Ahlu Sunnah, telah menyelesaikan studi doctoralnya di Islamic University of Madinah, dengan nilai SUMMA CUMLAUDE DAN DIWASIATKAN OLEH DEWAN SIDANG DOCTORALNYA, BAHWA DISE...