Most imelda marcos related news are at:

Eva Green, nude in Camelot shows her perfect breast 4 Mar 2013 | 05:58 pm
Emmy Rossum, sexy photoshoot 4 Mar 2013 | 05:58 pm
More imelda marcos related news:
Para comerte hasta los pies 30 Sep 2010 | 12:16 am
Aquejada de un terrible virus que me hace parecer a Imelda Marcos, me lanzo a compartir otra colección de zapatos, esta vez de lo más apetitosos. ¿Gustas?
Who wants to be surrounded by Garbage? 11 Oct 2008 | 04:37 pm
“People say I'm extravagant because I want to be surrounded by beauty. But tell me, who wants to be surrounded by garbage?” -- Imelda Marcos Every year, Accenture celebrates the International Costal ...
Fashion Obsession: Pour La Victoire Shoes 3 Dec 2009 | 02:33 am
My obsession with footwear is well-documented. I don't have as many pairs as Carrie Bradshaw or Imelda Marcos but I'm up there with a healthy number (which I won't disclose right this minute). My new ...
Great Designer Womens Shoes! 16 Mar 2010 | 06:35 am
It is every girl’s dream to be an Imelda Marcos – that luxurious lady from the Philippines (the wife of ex-president Ferdinand Marcos) who owns more than 3,000 pairs of shoes. Or maybe you long to hav...
The Joy of Cooking: Gingersnaps 17 Nov 2010 | 03:00 am
Do you read cookbooks like novels? Does your staggering stack of culinary tomes make Imelda Marcos' shoe collection look like child's play? (And, by the way, I'm guilty as charged on both counts.) If ...
Imelda Marcos Sneaker Series rovinato a new causa di Hogan wall plug 5 Oct 2012 | 08:45 am
Il Marcoses fuggì Filippine ing culmine di n't esercito-backed "potere delete popolo" rivolta che divenne n't presagio di cambiamento di regimi autoritari throughout tutto il mondo. Ferdinand Marcos m...
Damenschuhe, ganz oben auf jeder Shoppingliste 24 Dec 2012 | 03:31 pm
Umfragen zu Folge hat jede zweite Frau mehr als 25 Paar Schuhe. Ein klares Indiz für den viel beschworenen weiblichen Schuhtick. Steckt also in jeder Frau eine Imelda Marcos? Zur Information: Die Ehe...
Imelda Marcos, and daughter proclaimed 14 May 2013 | 07:25 pm
Former First Lady Imelda Marcos is Ilocos Norte’s 2nd district representative. Marcos won by a landslide. She got 100,020 votes, beating independent candidate Ferdinand Ignacio, who got 11,320 votes....
Imelda Marcos spent $2,181,000 in One Day 6 Jul 2013 | 05:14 pm
This is one of the Marcoses’ greatest achievement aside from the greedy 20 years in power and other anomalies and atrocities. In 1978, Imelda Marcos spent $2,181,000.00 in one day! This included $1,1...
Heel Thyself: The Secret of Cork Soles and Lucky Shoes 28 Jul 2013 | 10:00 am
Female relationships with shoes has long been fraught and pre-dates Imelda Marcos, Carrie Bradshaw and Lady Gaga by many years. My mother routinely wore 3-4 inch spike heels when going out at …