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More img tag related news:
IE9 image load event bug 7 Jun 2011 | 10:49 am
I just found a problem with IE9 in how it handles the load event for img tags. With IE8 and earlier if I wanted to perform some JS function after an image loaded I could do something like this: img =...
how to load animated gif inside text field? 3 Oct 2011 | 04:02 am
Introduction to com.doitflash.text.TextArea (Part 2) it’s easy to load external images into your text fields, you just use the native img tag like below and it will load and be shown inside your text ...
Floating Images and adding captions in wordpress posts 26 Aug 2011 | 09:17 pm
The images in the posts cane be aligned “left”, “right” or “centered”. WordPress adds class=”alignleft”, class=”alignright” or class=”aligncentered” to the ‘img’ tags or its surrouding ‘div’ element,...
How Would You Enhance HTML Tags For Performance? 22 Dec 2011 | 07:15 am
A little while ago Jason Grigsby wrote a great post outlining his “wish list” for how the <img> tag should change to simplify mobile design (and specifically Responsive Images). The post created a lot...
SEO Tool: HTML IMG Tag Checker 9 Oct 2011 | 03:06 pm
HTML IMG Tag Checker The HTML IMG tag embeds an image in an HTML page. Images are not technically inserted into an HTML page, images are instead linked to HTML pages. The IMG tag creates a holding sp...
ALT tag Best Practices for Search Engine Optimization 8 Mar 2012 | 03:31 am
SEO starts with proper implementation on your own website. One of the things you should do is proper use of code. This article will deal with the ALT property of the img tag. To improve the optimizat...
Optimizing your images for SEO ranking in the SERP’s. 6 Apr 2012 | 06:00 am
How do you go about optimizing your images for SEO ranking in the SERP's. We all know that Optimizing your images for SEO ranking is important to gaining good rankings in the SERP's.But "alt img" tags...
Breiten- und Höhenattribut bei Bildern entfernen 16 Nov 2012 | 09:03 pm
Immer, wenn mit der Upload-Funktion oder über die Mediathek in Bild in einen Artikel geladen wird, fügt WordPress automatisch die Breiten- und Höhenattribute zum img-Tag hinzu. Das ist auch in vielen ...
HTML Images 9 Apr 2013 | 08:54 pm
HTML Images :: futureX In HTML, images are defined with the <img> tag. The <img> tag is empty, which means that it contains attributes only, and has no closing tag. To display an image on a page, y...
Embed Images in HTML with Base64 Encoding 6 Oct 2012 | 04:38 pm
HTML မွာ ပံုေတြထည့္ရင္ ပံုမွန္အားျဖင့္ img tag ထဲမွာ src ဆိုၿပီး ပံုရဲ႕ တည္ေနရာကို ညႊန္းၾကပါတယ္။ ဥပမာအားျဖင့္ <img src="images/logo.png"/> အဲဒီနည္းလမ္းအစား နည္းနည္းေလးပိုၿပီးထူးတဲ့ နည္းလမ္းတစ္ခုနဲ႔ ...