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Pengalaman Import Barangan Dari China 28 Jun 2010 | 04:33 am
Apabila bercakap tentang Negara “China” tiada siapa yang boleh nafikan bahawa Negara ini merupakan kuasa ekonomi dunia yang baru. Lihat sahajalah produk yang ada disekeliling anda pasti ada yang terte...
CV.LEDPOWER SURABAYA 19 Sep 2010 | 05:49 am
CV.LEDPOWER berlokasi di kota Surabaya. Kami menyediakan beberapa macam produk import langsung dari China khususnya dibidang elektronik.Light Emitting Diode.Lampu LED Murah Grosir.LED bohlam / neon, L...
HARGA RESELLER 17 May 2011 | 12:52 am
CV.INDOCHINA berlokasi di kota Surabaya. Kami menyediakan segala macam produk import langsung dari China.Barang yg tersedia adalah lilin elektrik fat , lilin elektrik slim , lampu laser , kipas angin ...
“Chinese Character Bank” project launched 8 Sep 2011 | 07:09 pm
An important project for China’s publishing industry was recently launched, the “Chinese Character Bank”. This database will include many traditional Chinese characters for the first time, thus meetin...
More Traders Become Bulls Thanks to China Gold Stocks 17 Feb 2012 | 01:39 am
Gold traders are more bullish than they have been for more than two months following the importation of mainland China of the most Hong Kong metal ever as well as investors having purchased bullion go...
“Chinese Character Bank” project launched 8 Sep 2011 | 07:09 pm
An important project for China’s publishing industry was recently launched, the “Chinese Character Bank”. This database will include many traditional Chinese characters for the first time, thus meetin...
WHS Offering Lowest Pricing With Highest Quality Of Imported Health Foods – China Wide! 25 May 2012 | 04:00 am
WHS is always looking at ways to give you the customer the best quality products sourced from the most well known health brands in the world at fair prices. Due to WHS continued growth and importing c...
Logistik beim China Import 1 Nov 2012 | 12:51 am
Verschiffung aus China Die Logistik aus China kann sehr kostspielig sein und frisst oft die Ersparnisse die man durch den Einkauf in China hat, wieder auf. Auch dadurch sollte versucht werden, schon b...
“Chinese Character Bank” project launched 8 Sep 2011 | 12:09 pm
An important project for China’s publishing industry was recently launched, the “Chinese Character Bank”. This database will include many traditional Chinese characters for the first time, thus meetin...
In brief: 6 Main Business News, 30 march 30 Mar 2013 | 09:03 pm
1. China "resolutely opposes" U.S. curbs on IT imports: state media. China expressed "resolute opposition" and "strong dissatisfaction" with a new U.S. cyber-espionage rule limiting imports of Ch...