Most indonesian coder related news are at:

WordPress Users Fight Brute Force Hacks 15 Aug 2013 | 11:54 pm
Security Measures Protect Against Hacks Attempted on 1,000s of WordPress Sites WordPress, the popular web management tool used by Mashable, The New York Times, CNN and Forbes, has been undergoing site...
This Day in WikiLeaks – August 13, 2013 14 Aug 2013 | 05:57 am
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 981 days. - 421 days at the Ecuadorian Embassy. Bradley Manning has been in prison without sentencing for 1175 days. - 33 days into court martial. J...
More indonesian coder related news:
AdSense now speaks Indonesian 2 Feb 2012 | 02:26 pm
Finally, AdSense now speaks Indonesian. This is a great news for Indonesian publisher. We can monetize our website or blog in Bahasa Indonesia with Google Adsense. “We’re glad to announce that Indone...
Indonesian ICT Partnership 2 Jan 2010 | 07:45 pm
Indonesian ICT Partnership Association (ICT Watch) is an Indonesian non-profit (civil society) institution established in 2002 by a group of young people who sharing their common concern of Informatio...
Al Quran burned by Two Pastor of United States of America 16 Sep 2010 | 11:42 pm
Indonesian protest memorandum submitted by President Yudhoyono told the U.S. government related to the plan of our burning Holy Koran does not meyurutkan subordinates Rev. Terry Jones. As reported by...
Remove Dotted Outline VS Accessibility 4 Jan 2010 | 03:38 am
Remove the annoying dotted outline on links and form elements, keeping accessibility (and usability) intact… styling it too! The issue of dotted outline Webmasters (specifically semantic coders) usu...
Tests that fail one day every four years 1 Mar 2012 | 04:24 am
Some code looks harmless but has hidden bugs lurking in its nether regions. Code that handles dates is notorious for this, and this being February 29th (the coders' halloween) it's time for the bugs t...
VOTE KOMODO PLEASE………..!!!! 13 Oct 2011 | 11:22 pm
for all of you Indonesian people..please vote Komodo Island..please support! very very very easy…just type KOMODO then send to 9818 just Rp 1,- thank you ^_^ “bangga menjadi Indonesia”
Cut Tari has finally admitted to being in videos 10 Jul 2010 | 09:35 pm
Indonesian gossip show presenter and model Cut Tari has finally admitted to being in one of three sex videos which have widely circulated through the Internet, after weeks of denial. Her lawyer Hotma...
Indonesia Scandalous Movie Stars to be Charged under antiPorn Law 15 Jun 2010 | 01:33 am
In his July 14, 2009 photo, pop singer Nazril Irham, better known as Ariel, left, and his girlfriend top model and actress Luna Maya, right, are mobbed by reporters in Jakarta, Indonesia. Indonesians ...
Peter Pan with Cut Tari 12 Jun 2010 | 12:12 pm
Three Indonesian celebrities who allegedly appeared in s-e-x videos posted on the Internet will be questioned for possible breaches of a new antipornography law, police said Wednesday. Two explicit c...
Luna Maya with Ariel Peterpan 8 Jun 2010 | 05:25 am
Luna Maya (born August 26, 1983 in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia) is an Indonesian soap opera and movie actress who started her career as a model on the catwalk and in advertising. Here is the hottest In...