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Useful Web Resources About Infidelity/Divorce 15 Aug 2009 | 06:05 pm
Here's a compilation of resources I've found on the Internet that are helpful for anyone dealing with infidelity or is going through a divorce. 1 Vote(s)
Abbey Clancy cancels TV appearance 17 Aug 2010 | 09:57 pm
Abbey Clancy cancelled a TV appearance on today’s This Morning, reportedly due to her turmoil following fiancé Peter Crouch’s alleged infidelity. Last week, a teen prostitute claimed Peter paid aroun...
Abbey Clancy flees to Spain 11 Aug 2010 | 09:56 pm
Abbey Clancy has fled to Spain to be with her mum following the news of fiancé Peter Crouch’s alleged infidelities. The England striker, who has been engaged to the model for 13 months, reportedly ch...
Pakistani Christians, Hindu continue to face forced conversions to islam 29 Apr 2012 | 09:49 am
But remember, islam is a religion of peace, and there is no compulsion in religion. As long as you’re muslim, support the pedophile Muhamhead, and slay the infidels wherever you find them. After Hind...
Increased Emotional Distance Leads To Infidelity? 23 Nov 2011 | 05:54 am
Are you under the impression that an increased emotional distance has silently been developing between yourself and your partner? This article tells you how this very fact might be the reason why your...
A Little Something Different: Infidelity 11 Feb 2011 | 10:35 pm
As you know, my blogging has been sporadic at best. In an attempt to keep things going, I have invited one or two people to guest appear on the blog whenever they feel like it. I haven’t really had ...
25/06/2011 - The Made in Chelsea stars enjoy a day out in Traffic People 29 Jun 2011 | 03:04 am
Get the Chelsea girls' look with these outfits: Cocktails & Infidelity - Playsuit Folklore & Flowers - Jessica Rabbit Out of Africa - Playsuit
3 Rules To Survive Infidelity 3 Feb 2011 | 05:12 am
If you want to survive your spouse’s infidelity and heal your marriage, one critical element whose importance can’t be overstated is the need to work to repair and deepen your emotional connection wit...
Surviving Infidelity – How to Stop Comparing Yourself to the Other Woman 2 Feb 2011 | 06:29 am
Unable to stop thinking incessantly about your spouse’s infidelity, you may find yourself – just like many victims of cheating – constantly comparing yourself to the other woman. That little voice in ... 13 Sep 2010 | 04:11 am
日誌 今天懷念的大師:哥羅特查布洛(1930.6.24 - 2010.9.12) Les biches、La femme infidele、Le boucher、La Ruture、Les noces rouges(《一箭雙雕》、《不忠的妻子》、《屠夫》、《決裂》、《血婚》).... 全都是當年為我打開電影殿堂大門的作品,而且是一浪接一浪的,叫我看得驚心動魄,神魂目眩。並全都是查布洛的作品。(...