Most influential authors related news are at:

Now and Then by Robert B. Parker 29 Jun 2013 | 12:37 am
Parker, Robert B. Now and Then. New York: Berkley Books, 2007. It's funny, the last CT mystery book club book was one in which a dead body doesn't make an appearance until page 60 or so. In this one,...
The House Without a Key by Earl Derr Biggers 1 May 2013 | 01:37 am
Biggers, Earl Derr. The House without a Key. Chicago: Academy Chicago Publishers, 2008. (This book was originally published in 1925.) If your thing is thrillers that jump right into a murder before ...
More influential authors related news:
"Rankings were messed due to pressure by Highly influential authorities" - SB 29 Dec 2011 | 04:26 am
theNEWSmaster: COLOMBO; Minister of Higher Education S. B. Dissanayake says, pressure exerted by various quarters including highly influential authorities and others who expected to enroll students a...
I Thank My Publishers for Publishing My Silly Scribblings 23 Jun 2012 | 12:32 am
Frances “Fanny” Burney was among the most influential authors of her era. Living at a time when it was considered very scandalous for women to indulge in writing fiction—or reading it for that matter,...
Google celebrates Franz Kafka's 130th birthday 3 Jul 2013 | 03:23 pm
July 7, 2013 /connektivism/ Google Doodle celebrates the life of Franz Kafka who was born 130 years ago on this day and was considered one of the most influential authors of the 20th century. The Goo...
FOUR POINTS: Erdnase’s most valuable lessons for magicians 25 Jun 2013 | 03:25 pm
The mysterious S.W. Erdnase remains one of the most influential authors of sleight of hand to this day. His classic, solitary work, 1902′s “Expert at the Card Table,” is considered a bible to magician...
SFWA Readings 23 Aug 2013 | 09:23 pm
by CAPSLOCK We are so excited to announce that Brent will be participating in two special SFWA readings this October with two very influential authors: the first event will be with Greg Bear and the ...
Everything to keep the big kid in all of us happy! 16 Jan 2011 | 11:51 am
Visiting the show can give you the opportunity to take part in free talks with the stars, as well as specialist zones where you will find authors, artists, costuming, video gaming and Japanese culture...
The Official Fitness Model Program 14 Feb 2012 | 01:53 am
Jennifer Nicole Lee, Ms. Bikini America, Ms. Bikini Universe, and Author of the Finess Model Program She is poised, polished and statuesque with an athletic yet feminine build, as she stands tall at...
Case Studies: How we came up with and drew origami logos for LondonClasses 6 Jun 2011 | 09:46 pm
The purpose of LondonClasses social network lies in connecting people who teach certain classes with those who need such classes. The author of the startup approached us for a logo, which would reflec...
Change of management! 5 Mar 2010 | 06:25 am
Regular followers of this blog will remember that in the middle of 2009, the original author could no longer commit to posting new articles and announced their departure with a final blog. I would lik...
How To Save Money Buying A New Car 4 May 2012 | 04:30 am
Summary: We’re big fans of Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, the author of The Predictioneer’s Game, a book about using game theory to get what you want in day-to-day life. Game theory is a method of studying ...